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Publication: The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick

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  • Publication: The Exegesis of Philip K. DickPublication Record # 390301
  • Author: Philip K. Dick
  • Date: 2011-11-07
  • ISBN: 978-0-547-54925-5 [0-547-54925-3]
  • Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
  • Price:
    $40.00?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
  • Pages: xxv+944+[8]
  • Format:
    hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
  • Cover: The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick by Christopher Moisan
  • Notes: Annotated edition, divided into four parts:
    • Part One: 1974 - 1976 (pp. 1-208)
    • Part Two: November-December 1976 - October-November 1978 (pp. 209-447)
    • Part Three: December 1978 - December 1980 (pp. 449-670)
    • Part Four: January-April 1981 - February 1982 (pp. 671-895)
    'Edited by Pamela Jackson and Jonathan Lethem' is stated on the cover and on the title page, Erik Davis is credited as annotations editor on the title page. All in all ten annotators are credited, including the editors. Acknowledgments by the editors and Laura Leslie on p. xxv. First printing according to no. line 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. 'Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data' entry on copyright page. The [8] extra pages are inserted between pp. 486 & 487 and show facsimiles from Dick's folders that incorporate the Exegesis. Endnotes appear on pp. 901-915, a Glossary is on pp. 917-936, a Names Index is on pp. 939-942 and a Works Index on p. 943f. Christopher Moisan is credited for the jacket design, using a Corbis photo Book design by Melissa Lotfy. Day of publication from Price "Higher in Canada." Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (3rd edition, online) states that this edition comprises 15% of the complete manuscript.
  • External IDs:
Cover art supplied by ISFDB on this Web page

Primary Verifications

Verifier Date Type Last User Activity Date
Stonecreek 2012-06-18 14:43:21 Permanent 2024-08-30
SFJuggler 2015-01-11 16:01:53 Permanent 2024-08-31
Hifrommike65 2022-01-28 15:33:42 Permanent 2023-11-27

Secondary Verifications

Source Status Verifier Date
Bleiler Early Years Not Verified    
Bleiler Supernatural Not Verified    
Bleiler1 (Gernsback) Not Verified    
Bleiler78 Not Verified    
Clute/Grant Not Verified    
Clute/Nicholls Not Verified    
Contento1 (anth/coll) Not Verified    
Currey N/A SFJuggler 2015-01-11 16:01:26
Locus1 Not Verified    
Miller/Contento Not Verified    
OCLC/Worldcat Verified Stonecreek 2012-06-18 14:43:21
Reginald1 Not Verified    
Reginald3 Not Verified    
Tuck N/A SFJuggler 2015-01-11 16:01:26
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