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Publication: Shock seconda parte

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  • Publication: Shock seconda partePublication Record # 398403
  • Author: Richard Matheson
  • Date: 2001-10-00
  • Publisher: Mondadori
  • Pub. Series: Millemondi (quarterly)
  • Pub. Series #: 32
  • Price:
    Lit 9,900?Lit: Italian lira. ISO code: ITL in 1861-1999
  • Pages: 346
  • Format:
    tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
  • Cover: Shock seconda parte by Franco Brambilla and Pierluigi Longo
  • Notes: "Shock Seconda Parte" is an original Italian collection containing the stories from Shock III and Shock Waves translated by Giuseppe Lippi. Day of Reckoning from Shock Waves is missing. The stories were translated as follows: Girl of My Dreams as "La ragazza dei miei sogni" 'Tis the Season to Be Jelly as "La stagione delle pappemolle" Return as "Ritorno" The Jazz Machine as "La macchina del jazz" The Disinheritors as "I diseredati" Slaughter House as "Slaughter house" Crescendo as "Vibrazione" The Waker Dreams as "Quando chi è sveglio si addormenterà" Witch War as "Guerra stregata" First Anniversary as "Primo anniversario" Miss Stardust as "Miss Stardust" Full Circle as "Il cerchio si chiude" Nightmare at 20,000 Feet as "Incubo a 6000 metri" A Visit to Santa Claus as "Una visita a Babbo Natale" Finger Prints as "Dita in movimento" Deus Ex Machina as "Deus ex machina" The Thing as "La cosa" The Conqueror as "Il conquistatore" A Drink of Water as "Un sorso d'acqua" Dying Room Only as "Un uomo scomparso" Letter to the Editor as "Commiato d'autore" Wet Straw as "Paglia umida" Needle in the Heart as "Therese" Prey as "Preda" Come Figures, Come Shadowes as "Venite ombre, venite simulacri" The Finishing Touches as "Tocco finale" Data from "Millemondi Speciale Autunno 2001" on cover page.
Cover art supplied by Mondourania
Collection Title: Shock seconda parte • [Shock] • collection by Richard Matheson

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