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Publication: Terrestri e no

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  • Publication: Terrestri e noPublication Record # 400710
  • Editor: Roberta Rambelli
  • Date: 1970-01-00
  • Publisher: Casa Editrice La Tribuna
  • Pub. Series: Science Fiction Book Club (Italy)
  • Pub. Series #: 1
  • Price:
    Lit 1,650?Lit: Italian lira. ISO code: ITL in 1861-1999
  • Pages: 470
  • Format:
    hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
  • Notes: "Introduzione" is an original Italian essay "Seme della Terra" is an original Italian essay The Seed of Earth was translated by R[oberta] Rambelli as "Seme della Terra" "Uomini e draghi" is an original Italian essay The Dragon Masters was translated by R[oberta] Rambelli as "Uomini e draghi" "Visita allo zoo" is an original Italian essay The Visitor at the Zoo was translated by R[oberta] Rambelli as "Visita allo zoo" "Qui si raccolgono le stelle" is an original Italian essay Here Gather the Stars was translated by R[oberta] Rambelli as "Qui si raccolgono le stelle" Reprint of 1963 edition; the price is relative to the book directly ordered to the Editor, the same book was sold in bookstores at 3,300 Lit (source
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Anthology Title: Terrestri e no • (1963) • anthology by Roberta Rambelli

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