Editor Title:
Fiction - 1963 • [Fiction] • (1963) • edited by
Alain Dorémieux?Alain Doremieux
Contents (view Concise Listing)
- 4 • Que succombe l'incube ! • [Operation Chaos] • short fiction by Poul Anderson (trans. of Operation Incubus 1959)
- 22 • Lessivage • short fiction by F. K. B.
- 30 • Les vents de Siros • short fiction by Robert Silverberg (trans. of The Winds of Siros 1957)
- 55 • Les bêtes?Les betes• short story byAlain Dorémieux?Alain Doremieux
- 58 • Petite planète de vacances?Petite planete de vacances• short fiction by Fritz Leiber (trans. of Game for Motel Room)
- 67 • Chronique des rapaces • short fiction by Arcadius
- 84 • Un match difficile • short fiction by John Collier (trans. of After the Ball 1933)
- 103 • L'intrus • short fiction by Bernard Manier
- 108 • Je ne vous entends pas... • short fiction by Avram Davidson (trans. of I Do Not Hear You, Sir 1958)
- 119 • Seuls toi et moi, mon amour • short fiction by Alain Dorémieux?Alain Doremieux[as by Daniel Meauroix]
- 128 • Le nid vide • short fiction by Kit Reed (trans. of Empty Nest 1959)
- 137 • La ville • interior artwork by Gébé?Gebe
- 142 • Le festival de SF de Trieste • essay by Pierre Strinati
- 145 • Ici, on désintègre ! (Fiction #119)?Ici, on desintegre ! (Fiction #119)• [Ici, on désintègre !?Ici, on desintegre !] • essay by Jacques Goimard andDemètre Ioakimidis?Demetre Ioakimidisand Maxim Jakubowski andGérard Klein?Gerard Klein
- 145 • Review: L'assaut de l'invisible by A. E. van Vogt • review by Jacques Goimard
- 148 • Review: Fantômes et farfafouilles?Fantomes et farfafouillesby Fredric Brown • review byDemètre Ioakimidis?Demetre Ioakimidis
- 150 • Review: Métro pour l'enfer?Metro pour l'enferby Vladimir Volkoff • review by Maxim Jakubowski andGérard Klein?Gerard Klein
- 155 • Notules (Fiction #119) • [L'écran à quatre dimensions?L'ecran a quatre dimensions] • essay byAlain Dorémieux?Alain Doremieuxand Jacques Goimard