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Publication: Poems Dead and Undead

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  • Publication: Poems Dead and UndeadPublication Record # 485323
  • Editors: Tony Barnstone, Michelle Mitchell-Foust
  • Date: 2014-00-00
  • ISBN: 978-1-84159-799-7 [1-84159-799-6]
  • Publisher: Everyman's Library (UK)
  • Pub. Series: Everyman's Library Pocket Poets
  • Price:
    £9.99?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
  • Pages: 256
  • Format:
    hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
  • Cover: Poems Dead and Undead by Camelli
  • Notes:
    • Attached marker ribbon.
    • Front of jacket artwork titled "Fear", from a postcard.
    • Back of jacket artwork from the "Gringonneur" tarot pack, 15th century Italian.
    • Arranged in three sections: "The Corporeal Undead", "The Incorporeal Undead" and "Devils, Gods, Angels, Death".
    • All poems with no known author are credited to "Anon." except "The Dead King Eats the Gods", which is credited to "Egyptian Pyramid Text".
    • Poems with unknown or no prior publication: Bryan Dietrich, "Zombies"; William Baer, "All Hallows Eve"; Tony Barnstone's translation of "Dead Hoodlums", "The Whale", and "Enkidu's Dream of the Underworld"; Jim Stewart, "Count Orlok"; Derek Dew, "(Weathervane) Pirate Ship of the Dead"; Amin Esmaielpour, "Zahhak's Burning Tehran"; Claire Wang-Lee and Michelle Mitchell-Foust's translation of "The Oldest Legend of Ancestors"; Hélène Cardona, "To Kitty, Who Loved the Sea and Somerset Maugham"; Willis Barnstone, "God of the Gas Chambers, Where Are You Hiding?"
  • External IDs:
Cover art supplied by ISFDB on this Web page
Anthology Title: Poems Dead and Undead • anthology by Tony Barnstone and Michelle Mitchell-Foust

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Verifier Date Type Last User Activity Date
Biomassbob 2014-10-15 19:51:28 Permanent 2023-06-22
Vasha77 2016-11-20 18:48:44 Transient 2019-03-19
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