Editor Title:
Astral Dimensions #6, August 1977 • [Astral Dimensions] • edited by Mark Jacobs and Chris Marler
Fiction and Essays (view Full Listing)
- The Martin Gorsham Case • short story by A. K. Molnar
- The Lost Mind of Kerr Gulch • short story by Glenn Rahman
- Nightmare Circus • short story by Jessica Amanda Salmonson
- The Red Leather Book • short fiction by David Madison
- The Dead Lovers • poem by Michael Fantina
- Evil Unseen • short story by Gary Muschla [as by Gary Robert Muschla]
- The Silver Key (excerpt) • (1929) • short fiction by H. P. Lovecraft
- The Children's Hour • short fiction by B. F. Watkinson [as by Frances Watson]
- Crimson and Clown White • short fiction by W. H. Pugmire
- Tale Told by Moonlight • poem by Stephanie Stearns
- Author! Author! • poem by Brian Lumley