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Collection Title:
Zom Bee Moo Vee • collection by Mark McLaughlin
Contents (view Concise Listing)
- ascloseasthis • (1998) • short story by Mark McLaughlin
- I Am Not Painsettia Plont • (1997) • short story by Mark McLaughlin
- Bucktoothed Boy, Beloved By Millions • short fiction by Mark McLaughlin (variant of Bucktoothed Boy, Beloved of Millions 1994)
- True Love, Special Effects and Unspeakable Devastation in the Amphitheatre of the Glitterati • (1995) • short story by Mark McLaughlin
- Zom Bee Moo Vee • short fiction by Mark McLaughlin
- Commercials for a Twilight World • (1994) • poem by Mark McLaughlin
- Planet of the Secret Agents • (1996) • poem by Mark McLaughlin
- Tread the Backward Spiral • (1995) • short story by Mark McLaughlin
- The Soundtrack Makes It • (1997) • short story by Mark McLaughlin