Nonfiction Title:
Até aos confins do universo • nonfiction by Isaac Asimov (trans. of To the Ends of the Universe 1967)
Contents (view Concise Listing)
- A terra e os planetas • essay by Isaac Asimov (trans. of The Earth and the Planets 1967)
- As estrelas e a Via Láctea • essay by Isaac Asimov (trans. of The Stars and the Milky Way 1967)
- Aglomerados globulares e nuvens magalânicas • essay by Isaac Asimov (trans. of The Globular Clusters and the Magellanic Clouds 1967)
- Nebulosas e novas • essay by Isaac Asimov (trans. of Nebulae and Novae 1967)
- A Terra e o Sol • essay by Isaac Asimov (trans. of The Earth and the Sun 1967)
- Gigantes vermelhos e anões vermelhos • essay by Isaac Asimov (trans. of Red Giants and Red Dwarfs 1967)
- Anões brancos supernovas • essay by Isaac Asimov (trans. of White Dwarfs and Supernovae 1967)
- Galáxias que retrocedem e populações de estrelas • essay by Isaac Asimov (trans. of Receding Galaxies and Star Populations 1967)
- O ovo cósmico e as galáxias distantes • essay by Isaac Asimov (trans. of The Cosmic Egg and the Distant Galaxies 1967)
- Estrelas de raios X e fontes de rádio • essay by Isaac Asimov (trans. of X-Ray Stars and Radio Sources 1967)
- Galáxias em explosão e quasares • essay by Isaac Asimov (trans. of Exploding Galaxies and Quasars 1967)