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Publication: The Best of Abyss & Apex: Volume Two

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  • Publication: The Best of Abyss & Apex: Volume TwoPublication Record # 609366
  • Editor: Wendy S. Delmater
  • Date: 2016-09-29
  • ISBN: 978-1-5352-0190-2 [1-5352-0190-8]
  • Publisher: Abyss & Apex Publishing
  • Pages: 257
  • Format:
    tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
  • Cover: The Best of Abyss & Apex: Volume Two by Jeff Lee Johnson
  • Notes: Data from Amazon as of 2017-03-17. The contents from the description (which appears to match CreateSpace and Goodreads have several discrepancies with regard to "LookInside!" for the Kindle edition. The contents from "LookInside!" do not mention the poems: "The Argument Box" by J. D. Fox and "Albino Dragons" by K. J. Kirby. Though they are included here, it is unknown if the print edition actually include such. The description lists the last short story by Robert Silverberg as "To the End of Days" vs. "LookInside!" (and historical usage) as "At the End of Days", which is included here. It is assumed the "LookInside!" contents are more accurate, however, it too contains errors. The surnames of Sevush and Gussoff appear misspelled as "Servush" (extra "r") and "Gusoff Sumpiton" (missing "s"). These errors coincide with original Abyss & Apex usage of "Servush" and "Gusoff".
Cover art supplied by
Anthology Title: The Best of Abyss & Apex: Volume Two • [The Best of Abyss & Apex • 2] • anthology by Wendy S. Delmater

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