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Publication: Popular Science Fiction, #3 1954

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  • Publication: Popular Science Fiction, #3 1954Publication Record # 638928 (View All Issues) (View Issue Grid)
  • Editor: Ronald Forster
  • Date: 1954-00-00
  • Publisher: Blue Diamond Publishing
  • Price:
    1/6?Prior to decimilisation (1968-1971), UK books were priced in shillings, or shillings and pence, where 20 shillings equals one pound and 12 old pence equals one shilling. Shillings were indicated with a variety of suffixes, e.g. 3s, 3', 3", 3/ all mean 3 shillings. Any number after that is additional pence, usually 6 (half a shilling) but sometimes 3 or 9 (a quarter of a shilling or three-quarters of a shilling).
  • Pages: 64
  • Format:
    digest?Digest-size magazine, including both standard digest size, at about 7" by 4.5", and also large digest, such as recent issues of Asimov's, which are about 8.25" by 5.125".
  • Type: MAGAZINE
  • Notes: v1 #3 Saddle-stapled. Pages may not include covers. Data from FictionMagsIndex.
Cover art supplied by Galactic Central
Editor Title: Popular Science Fiction - 1954 • [Popular Science Fiction] • edited by Ronald Forster

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