Anthology Title:
Téridő – ugróknak: A sci-fi klasszikusai?Terido - ugroknak: A sci-fi klasszikusai
Teeridooe – ugrooknak: A sci-fi klasszikusai
• anthology by Teeridooe – ugrooknak: A sci-fi klasszikusai
Ifj. Veress István?Ifj. Veress Istvan
Contents (view Concise Listing)
- Befejezett jelen • short fiction by Thomas F. Monteleone (trans. of Present Perfect 1974)
- A Brooklyn-terv • short fiction by William Tenn (trans. of Brooklyn Project 1948)
- Jeffty ötéves • short fiction by Harlan Ellison (trans. of Jeffty Is Five 1977)
- Fnifmum • short fiction by 眉村卓?まゆむらたく(trans. of
Mayumura Takuフニフマム?Funifumamu1989) [as by Taku Mayumura] - Miután a hősök hazatértek?Miutan a hosok hazatertek• short fiction by Robert Silverberg (trans. of After the Myths Went Home 1969)
Miutaan a hooesoek hazateertek - Jó estét, Mr. James! • short story by Clifford D. Simak (trans. of Good Night, Mr. James 1951)
- Hajnali hódító • short fiction by Robert Sheckley (trans. of Dawn Invader 1957)
- Ha nem lenne Benny Cemoli • short fiction by Philip K. Dick (trans. of If There Were No Benny Cemoli 1963)
- Az új őskor?Az uj oskor• short story by
Az uuj ooeskorRené Rebetez-Cortes?Rene Rebetez-Cortes(trans. of La nueva prehistoria 1967) - Delfin ösvény?Delfin osveny• short fiction by Gordon R. Dickson (trans. of Dolphin's Way 1964)
Delfin oesveeny - Téridő – ugróknak?Teeridooe - ugrooknak• [Gummitch the Cat] • short story by Fritz Leiber (trans. of Space-Time for Springers 1958)
Terido - ugroknak - Irha • short fiction by Carol Emshwiller (trans. of Pelt 1958)
- A századik zsoltár • short story by Brian W. Aldiss (trans. of Old Hundredth 1960)
- Egy nap a lottóvásáron • short fiction by Frederik Pohl (trans. of Spending a Day at the Lottery Fair 1983)
- Milyen ott a Marson? • short fiction by Edmond Hamilton (trans. of What's It Like Out There? 1952)
- Párbábuk • short fiction by Manuel van Loggem (trans. of Paarpoppen 1972)
- Híreink következnek... • novelette by Theodore Sturgeon (trans. of And Now the News ... 1956)
- Minden idők legjobb tudományos-fantasztikus története?Minden idok legjobb tudomanyos-fantasztikus tortenete• short fiction by Eric James Stone (trans. of The Greatest Science-Fiction Story Ever Written 2010) [as by E. J. Stone]