Anthology Title:
The Yellow Fairy Book • juvenile • [Coloured Fairy Books • 4] • (1894) • anthology by Andrew Lang
Contents (view Concise Listing)
- The Cat and the Mouse in Partnership • [KHM (Kinder- und Hausmärchen)?KHM (Kinder- und Hausmaerchen)• 2] • (1894) • short story by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm (trans. of Katze und Maus in Gesellschaft 1812) [as by uncredited]
- The Six Swans • [KHM (Kinder- und Hausmärchen)?KHM (Kinder- und Hausmaerchen)• 49] • (1894) • short story by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm (trans. of Die sechs Schwäne 1812) [as by uncredited]
- The Dragon and His Grandmother • [KHM (Kinder- und Hausmärchen)?KHM (Kinder- und Hausmaerchen)• 125] • (1894) • short story by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm (trans. of Der Teufel und seine Großmutter 1815) [as by uncredited]
- The Donkey Cabbage • [KHM (Kinder- und Hausmärchen)?KHM (Kinder- und Hausmaerchen)• 122] • (1894) • short story by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm (trans. of Der Krautesel 1819) [as by uncredited]
- The White Duck • (1894) • short story by Wilhelm Goldschmidt (trans. of Das weisse Entchen 1883) [as by uncredited]
- The Magic Ring • (1894) • short story by Wilhelm Goldschmidt (trans. of Der Zauberring 1883) [as by uncredited]
- Preface (The Yellow Fairy Book) • (1894) • essay by Andrew Lang
- The Dragon of the North • (1894) • short story by Friedrich Kreutzwald (trans. of Põhja kon 1866) [as by Kreutzwald]
- Story of the Emperor's New Clothes • (1894) • short story by Hans Christian Andersen (trans. of Kejserens nye Klæder 1837) [as by Andersen]
- The Golden Crab • (1894) • short story by Bernhard Schmidt (trans. of Prinz Krebs 1877) [as by Schmidt]
- The Iron Stove • [KHM (Kinder- und Hausmärchen)?KHM (Kinder- und Hausmaerchen)• 127] • (1894) • short story by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm (trans. of Der Eisenofen 1815) [as by Grimm]
- The Little Green Frog • (1894) • short story by Jean de Mailly (trans. of La petite grenouille verte 1724) [as by uncredited]
- The Seven-Headed Serpent • (1894) • short story by Bernhard Schmidt (trans. of Die siebenköpfige Schlange 1877) [as by Schmidt]
- The Grateful Beasts • (1894) • short story by Hermann Kletke (trans. of Die dankbaren Thiere 1845) [as by Kletke]
- The Giants and the Herd-boy • (1894) • short story by Heinrich von Wlislocki (trans. of Die Riesen und der Hirtenknabe 1891) [as by Von Wliolocki]
- The Invisible Prince • (1894) • short story by Louise Cavelier Levesque (trans. of Le prince invisible 1722) [as by uncredited]
- The Crow • (1894) • short story by Hermann Kletke (trans. of Die Krähe 1845) [as by Kletke]
- How Six Men Travelled through the Wide World • [KHM (Kinder- und Hausmärchen)?KHM (Kinder- und Hausmaerchen)• 71] • (1894) • short story by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm (trans. of Sechse kommen durch die ganze Welt 1819) [as by uncredited]
- The Wizard King • (1894) • short story by Jean de Mailly (trans. of Le roi magicien 1698) [as by uncredited]
- The Nixy • (1894) • short story by Hermann Kletke (trans. of Die Nixe 1845) [as by Kletke]
- The Glass Mountain • (1894) • short story by Hermann Kletke (trans. of Der Glasberg 1845) [as by Kletke]
- Alphege, or the Green Monkey • (1894) • short story by Jean de Mailly (trans. of Alphinge ou le singe vert 1724) [as by uncredited]
- Fairer-than-a-Fairy • (1894) • short story by Jean de Mailly (trans. of Le prince Arc-en-ciel 1718) [as by uncredited]
- The Three Brothers • (1894) • short story by Hermann Kletke (trans. of Die drei Brüder?Die drei Brueder1845) [as by Kletke]
- The Boy and the Wolves, or the Broken Promise • (1894) • short story by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft (variant of Sheem; or, the Forsaken Boy 1839) [as by uncredited]
- The Glass Axe • (1894) • short story by Hermann Kletke (trans. of Die gläserne Hacke 1845) [as by Kletke]
- The Dead Wife • (1894) • short story by Erminnie A. Smith [as by uncredited]
- In the Land of Souls • (1844) • short story by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft (variant of The White Stone Canoe) [as by uncredited]
- The Witch and her Servants • (1894) • short story by Hermann Kletke (trans. of Die Hexe Corva und ihre Knechte 1845) [as by Kletke]
- The Flower Queen's Daughter • (1894) • short story by Heinrich von Wlislocki (trans. of Die Tochter der Blumenkönigin 1891) [as by Von Wliolocki]
- The Flying Ship • (1894) • short story by Wilhelm Goldschmidt (trans. of Das fliegende Schiff 1883) [as by uncredited]
- The Snow-daughter and the Fire-son • (1894) • short story by Heinrich von Wlislocki (trans. of Die Schneetochter und der Feuersohn 1891) [as by Von Wliolocki]
- The Story of King Frost • (1894) • short story by Wilhelm Goldschmidt (trans. of Märchen vom Meister Frost 1883) [as by uncredited]
- The Death of the Sun-hero • (1894) • short story by Heinrich von Wlislocki (trans. of Der Tod des Sonnenhelden 1891) [as by Von Wliolocki]
- The Witch • (1894) • short story by Wilhelm Goldschmidt (trans. of Die Hexe 1883) [as by uncredited]
- The Hazel-nut Child • (1894) • short story by Heinrich von Wlislocki (trans. of Das Haselnusskind 1891) [as by Von Wliolocki]
- The Story of Big Klaus and Little Klaus • (1894) • short story by Hans Christian Andersen (trans. of Lille Claus og store Claus 1835) [as by uncredited]
- Prince Ring • (1894) • short story by J. C. Poestion (trans. of Ring, der Königssohn?Ring, der Koenigssohn1884) [as by uncredited]
- The Swineherd • (1894) • short story by Hans Christian Andersen (trans. of Svinedrengen 1841) [as by uncredited]
- How to Tell a True Princess • (1894) • short story by Hans Christian Andersen (trans. of Prinsessen paa Ærten?Prinsessen paa AErten1835) [as by uncredited]
- The Blue Mountains • (1894) • short story by Hans Christian Andersen (trans. of De blaae Bjerge unknown) [as by uncredited]
- The Tinder-Box • juvenile • (1894) • short story by Hans Christian Andersen (trans. of Fyrtøiet 1835) [as by uncredited]
- The Witch in the Stone Boat • (1894) • short story by Jón Arnason (trans. of Skessan á steinnökkvanum 1864) [as by uncredited]
- Thumbelina • (1894) • short story by Hans Christian Andersen (trans. of Tommelise 1835) [as by uncredited]
- The Nightingale • (1894) • short story by Hans Christian Andersen (trans. of Nattergalen 1843) [as by uncredited]
- Hermod and Hadvor • (1894) • short story by J. C. Poestion (trans. of Hermod und Hadvör?Hermod und Hadvoer1884) [as by uncredited]
- The Steadfast Tin-soldier • (1894) • short story by Hans Christian Andersen (trans. of Den standhaftige Tinsoldat 1838) [as by uncredited]
- Blockhead-Hans • (1894) • short story by Hans Christian Andersen (trans. of Klods-Hans 1855) [as by uncredited]
- A Story About a Darning-Needle • (1894) • short story by Hans Christian Andersen (trans. of Stoppenaalen 1845) [as by uncredited]