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Publication: The Fairy Ring

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  • Publication: The Fairy RingPublication Record # 738569
  • Editors: Nora Archibald Smith, Kate Douglas Wiggin
  • Date: 1907-00-00
  • Publisher: The McClure Company
  • Price:
    $1.50?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
  • Pages: xvii+445
  • Format:
    hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
  • Notes:
    • "Second Edition" This is the first edition, and probably the only ed./printing, under the name of "The McClure Company, Successors to McClure, Phillips & Co." --so styled in the header of its panel advertisement "Fall Books", NY Times 1907-10-18 p21. That Fall Books list includes two "New Additions to McClure's Library of Children's Classics", no change in the collective name under which the first edition was promoted in 1906.
    • Page count is that of the 1st ed. as reported by WorldCat OCLC 6968157.
    • Price from publisher listing in "Christmas Suggestions", McClure's Magazine 1907-11 p551; under "McClure's Library of Children's Classics" as "Second edition."
Anthology Title: The Fairy Ring • juvenile • [Library of Fairy Literature • 1] • (1906) • anthology by Nora Archibald Smith and Kate Douglas Wiggin

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