- Publication: Tor Online, November 9, 2018Publication Record # 779710 (View All Issues) (View Issue Grid)
- Editor: uncredited
- Date: 2018-11-09
Price: €0.00?€: Euro. ISO code: EUR
Format: webzine?Used for Internet-based periodical publications which are otherwise not downloadable as an "ebook".
- Webpages: tor-online.de
- Data from magazine website.
- Translated by Bernhard Kempen.
Editor Title:
Tor Online - 2018 • [Tor Online] • (2018) • edited by uncredited
Contents (view Concise Listing)
- Das verschwundene Gehirn des Präsidenten • short story by John Scalzi (trans. of The President's Brain Is Missing 2010)