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Anthology Title:
The Year's Best Science Fiction (vol. IV) • [The Year's Best Science Fiction • 22] • anthology by Gardner Dozois (trans. of The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twenty-Second Annual Collection 2005)
Contents (view Concise Listing)
- Triburile de pe Bela • [Colonel Kohn] • novella by Albert E. Cowdrey (trans. of The Tribes of Bela 2004)
- Sitka • short story by William Sanders (trans. of Sitka 2004)
- Iar Leviathanul plânse?Iar Leviathanul planse• short story by Daniel Abraham (trans. of Leviathan Wept 2004)
Iar Leviathanul plinse - Luptătorii?Luptatorii• short story by Colin P. Davies (trans. of The Defenders 2004)
- Mayflower II • [Xeelee] • novella by Stephen Baxter (trans. of Mayflower II 2004)
- Călărind bivolul alb?Calarind bivolul alb• novelette byCaitlín R. Kiernan?Caitlin R. Kiernan(trans. of Riding the White Bull 2004)
- Dragonii din vâlceaua însorită?Dragonii din valceaua insorita• novelette by Robert Reed (trans. of The Dragons of Summer Gulch 2004)
Dragonii din vilceaua insorita - Oceanul orbilor • short story by James L. Cambias (trans. of The Ocean of the Blind 2004)
- Grădina. O idilă science fiction Hwarhath?Gradina. O idila science fiction Hwarhath• [Hwarhath] • novelette by Eleanor Arnason (trans. of The Garden: A Hwarhath Science Fictional Romance 2004)
- Alegere profitabilă?Alegere profitabila• short story by Peter F. Hamilton (trans. of Footvote 2004)
- Sisif și străinul?Sisif si strainul• short story by Paul Di Filippo (trans. of Sisyphus and the Stranger 2004)
- Triptic cu mine și cu ea?Triptic cu mine si cu ea• short story by Paul Melko (trans. of Ten Sigmas 2004)
- Investiții?Investitii• [Dread Empire's Fall] • novella by Walter Jon Williams (trans. of Investments 2004)