Editor Title:
Sci-Fi Magazin, noiembrie 2007 • [Sci-Fi Magazin] • edited by
George Lazăr?George Lazar
and Cătălin Moraru?Catalin Moraru
Contents (view Concise Listing)
- Apocalipsul progresiv și alte delicii futurismice?Apocalipsul progresiv si alte delicii futurismice• [Locus Commentary] • essay by Cory Doctorow (trans. of The Progressive Apocalypse and Other Futurismic Delights)
- O plimbare prin Soare • short story by Geoffrey A. Landis (trans. of A Walk in the Sun 1991)
- Pervers • short story by Charles Coleman Finlay (trans. of Pervert 2004)
- O īncălcare a drepturilor de autor?O incalcare a drepturilor de autor• short story by Nancy Kress (trans. of Patent Infringement 2002)
- Niște actori?Niste actori• short story by Blair Dalton (trans. of Merely Players 2006)
- Visuri de robot • [Susan Calvin] • short story by Isaac Asimov (trans. of Robot Dreams 1986)
- Voia lui Dumnezeu • short story by Jack McDevitt (trans. of Act of God 2004)
- Orașul rațiunii?Orasul ratiunii• [Homesteader / Coordinator Group • 3] • novelette by Matthew Jarpe (trans. of City of Reason 2005)
- Īnrudire?Inrudire• short story by Bruce McAllister (trans. of Kin 2006)
- Maladia leopardului verde • [College of Mystery] • novella by Walter Jon Williams (trans. of The Green Leopard Plague 2003)