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Anthology Title:
Almanah 2009 (Sci-Fi Magazin) • [Sci-Fi Magazin] • anthology by
George Lazăr?George Lazar
and Cătălin Moraru?Catalin Moraru
Contents (view Concise Listing)
- Univers • novelette by Robert A. Heinlein (trans. of Universe 1941)
- Cascada • short story by Sean McMullen (trans. of The Cascade 2004)
- Dinozauri • novelette by Walter Jon Williams (trans. of Dinosaurs 1987)
- Un OZN de singurătate?Un OZN de singuratate• short story by Theodore Sturgeon (trans. of A Saucer of Loneliness 1953)
- Bărbații aduc numai necazuri?Barbatii aduc numai necazuri• novelette by James Patrick Kelly (trans. of Men Are Trouble 2004)
- Teologia matematicii aplicate • short story by Gregory Benford (trans. of Applied Mathematical Theology 2006)
- Vremuri obișnuite?Vremuri obisnuite• short story by Bruce Golden (trans. of Common Time 2006)
- Prințesa Pămāntului?Printesa Pamantului• short story by Mike Resnick (trans. of A Princess of Earth 2004)
Printesa Pamintului - Mystery Hill • novelette by Alex Irvine (trans. of Mystery Hill 2008)
- Aloha • short story by Ken Wharton (trans. of Aloha 2003)
- Nanotehnologia cucerește Clifford Falls?Nanotehnologia cucereste Clifford Falls• short story by Nancy Kress (trans. of Nano Comes to Clifford Falls 2006)
- Involuție?Involutie• short story by Edmond Hamilton (trans. of Devolution 1936)
- Povești pentru bărbați?Povesti pentru barbati• novella by John Kessel (trans. of Stories for Men 2002)
- Ultima călătorie pe Marte?Ultima calatorie pe Marte• short story by Michael Cassutt (trans. of The Last Mars Trip 1992)
- Pace biruitoare • [Jackaroo] • novelette by Paul J. McAuley (trans. of Winning Peace 2007)
- Ultima zi de școală?Ultima zi de scoala• short story by Cynthia Ward (trans. of On the Last Day of School 1997)
- Printre tālhari?Printre talhari• novelette by Poul Anderson (trans. of Among Thieves 1957)
Printre tilhari - Născut printre morți?Nascut printre morti• [Born with the Dead • 1] • novella by Robert Silverberg (trans. of Born with the Dead 1974)
- Multipli • short story by Robert Silverberg (trans. of Multiples 1983)
- Cursă prin microcipuri?Cursa prin microcipuri• short story by Robert Silverberg (trans. of Chip Runner 1989)
- Hardware • short story by Robert Silverberg (trans. of Hardware 1987)
- Īmpăratul și maula?Imparatul si maula• novelette by Robert Silverberg (trans. of The Emperor and the Maula 2007)