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Publication: Doctor Who: The Second Master Collection

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  • Publication: Doctor Who: The Second Master CollectionPublication Record # 855805
  • Authors: Terrance Dicks, Terence Dudley, Rona Munro
  • Date: 2021-07-01
  • ISBN: 978-1-5291-4268-6 [1-5291-4268-7]
  • Publisher: BBC Audio
  • Price:
    £31.99?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
  • Format:
    digital audio download?Digital recording in any format that is downloaded directly from the Internet. This category includes podcasts.
  • Type: OMNIBUS
  • Notes: Narrated by Mark Strickson and Richard Franklin and Lisa Bowerman and Jon Culshaw. Data from (B08X7K99KG), Amazon UK (B08X7M4SFS) and Audible as of 2021-09-08.
  • External IDs:
Cover art supplied by
Omnibus Title: Doctor Who: The Second Master Collection • [Doctor Who Target novelizations] • omnibus by Terrance Dicks and Terence Dudley and Rona Munro

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