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Publication: The Time Traveller's Almanac

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  • Publication: The Time Traveller's AlmanacPublication Record # 870284
  • Editors: Ann VanderMeer, Jeff VanderMeer
  • Date: 2021-12-09
  • ISBN: 978-1-80024-970-7 [1-80024-970-5]
  • Publisher: Apollo / Head of Zeus
  • Price:
    £18.00?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
  • Pages: 960
  • Format:
    tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
  • Webpages:
  • Notes: Data from Amazon UK, Blackwells and publisher's site as of 2021-11-23. Contents are assumed to be identical to earlier publication of this title from the same publisher. Per this Twitter exchange, this pub failed to make the scheduled 2021-12-09 publication date, and as of 2022-01-04, sites such as Amazon UK and Waterstones were all showing it as unavailable, but still with the original publication date. As of 2022-01-29, both Amazon UK and Waterstones now show it as in stock, but still list the original publication date.
Cover art supplied by
Anthology Title: The Time Traveller's Almanac • (2013) • anthology by Ann VanderMeer and Jeff VanderMeer

Contents (view Concise Listing)

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