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Collection Title:
Søheste på Mars?Soheste pa Mars
Soeheste paa Mars
• collection by Pat Cadigan
Soeheste paa Mars
Contents (view Concise Listing)
- Pretty Boy går over?Pretty Boy gar over• short story by Pat Cadigan (trans. of Pretty Boy Crossover 1986)
Pretty Boy gaar over - Cody • short story by Pat Cadigan (trans. of Cody 2011)
- Rapport om tilstedeværelsen af søheste på Mars?Rapport om tilstedevaerelsen af soheste pa Mars• novelette by Pat Cadigan (trans. of Report Concerning the Presence of Seahorses on Mars 2014)
Rapport om tilstedevaerelsen af soeheste paa Mars - Ikke noget personligt • novella by Pat Cadigan (trans. of Nothing Personal 2007)
- Døden i det forjættede land?Doden i det forjaettede land• novella by Pat Cadigan (trans. of Death in the Promised Land 1995)
Doeden i det forjaettede land - Pige-tingen der valgte sushi • novelette by Pat Cadigan (trans. of The Girl-Thing Who Went Out for Sushi 2012)
- Dronningen af cyberpunk: Efterord • essay by Niels Dalgaard