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Authors for Publisher Marshall Cavendish, Sorted by Name

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Note that the statistics below count the number of publications associated with publication-level authors and editors. They do not count the authors of individual titles (stories, poems, etc.) contained in publications. Each edition of a book increments its author's count. Different forms of an author's name, e.g. 'Mary Shelley' vs. 'Mary W. Shelley', are counted separately.

# Author/Editor Publication Count
1 Ellen Jensen Abbott 3
2 Dulan Barber 1
3 Terence Blacker 1
4 Emily Brontė 1
5 Dia Calhoun 2
6 Judy Cox 2
7 Tutu Dutta 3
8 Julia Golding 10
9 C. Aubrey Hall 2
10 Marilyn Hirsh 1
11 Gregory Janicke 4
12 Norma Johnston 1
13 Jennifer Cole Judd 1
14 Jean Hanff Korelitz 1
15 Virginia Layefsky 1
16 Marilyn Levinson 1
17 Janice M. Del Negro 1
18 Johan Olander 1
19 Bonnie Pemberton 1
20 Dian Curtis Regan 1
21 Sheri Cooper Sinykin 1
22 William Sleator 1
23 Angie Smibert 2
24 Vivian Vande Velde 5
25 Susanne Winnacker 1
26 Laura Wynkoop 1
27 Paul Yee 1
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