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Authors for Publisher Mnémos, Sorted by Name

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Note that the statistics below count the number of publications associated with publication-level authors and editors. They do not count the authors of individual titles (stories, poems, etc.) contained in publications. Each edition of a book increments its author's count. Different forms of an author's name, e.g. 'Mary Shelley' vs. 'Mary W. Shelley', are counted separately.

# Author/Editor Publication Count
1 Juan Miguel Aguilera 1
2 Ludovic Albar 7
Raphaël Albert?Raphael Albert
4 Karl Alexander 1
5 G. D. Arthur 1
6 Catherine Asaro 4
7 Étienne Barillier 2
8 Wayne Barrow 1
9 Ugo Bellagamba 1
10 Stefano Benni 1
11 Paul Beorn 2
Olivier Bérenval?Olivier Berenval
13 Yoann Berjaud 2
14 Nicolas Bouchard 10
15 Charlotte Bousquet 8
16 John Brunner 1
17 Steven Brust 2
18 David Bry 3
19 David Calvo 1
20 David Camus 2
21 Richard Canal 1
22 Christopher Paul Carey 1
23 Lin Carter 2
24 Morgane Caussarieu 4
25 Fabien Cerutti 6
26 Christian Chavassieux 4
27 Fabien Clavel 14
28 Fabrice Colin 6
29 Isabelle Collet 3
30 David Collet 3
Raphaël Colson?Raphael Colson
32 Richard Comballot 2
33 Sylviane Corgiat 1
34 Boris Darnaudet 1
35 François Darnaudet 1
36 Lionel Davoust 3
37 Thomas Day 2
38 L. Sprague de Camp 1
39 Jeanne-A Debats 3
Frédéric Delmeulle?Frederic Delmeulle
41 Thomas Disch 1
42 Thomas M. Disch 1
43 Stephen Donaldson 2
44 Jennie Dorny 1
45 Catherine Dufour 1
46 Jean-Claude Dunyach 1
47 George Alec Effinger 1
48 Duncan Eriksson 3
Philip José Farmer?Philip Jose Farmer
Mélanie Fazi?Melanie Fazi
51 Lynn Flewelling 1
52 Mathieu Gaborit 15
53 Randall Garrett 1
54 Olivier Gechter 1
55 David Gemmell 1
56 Laurent Genefort 1
57 Laurent Gidon 2
58 Gildas Girodeau 1
59 Raphaël Granier de Cassagnac 7
60 Pierre Grimbert 17
61 M. John Harrison 1
62 William Hawk 3
63 Johan Heliot 8
64 James A. Hetley 1
65 Robert Holdstock 4
66 Éric Holstein 2
67 Nicolas Jarry 3
68 Oliver Johnson 1
69 S. T. Joshi 1
70 Mickaël Karle 2
71 Katharine Kerr 1
72 Edwyn Kestrel 3
73 Garry Kilworth 3
74 Laurent Kloetzer 5
75 Raphaël Lafarge 1
76 Thibaud Latil-Nicolas 3
77 Le groupe des X 1
78 Ursula Le Guin 2
79 Bruno Lecigne 1
80 Fritz Leiber 1
81 Tristan Lhomme 1
82 Megan Lindholm 6
83 Patrice Louinet 1
84 Howard Phillips Lovecraft 7
85 H. P. Lovecraft 3
86 Brian Lumley 2
87 Alexandre Malagoli 4
88 Jean-Luc Marcastel 4
Stéphane Marsan?Stephane Marsan
90 Jacques Martel 1
91 George R. R. Martin 2
92 Rodolfo Martínez 1
Xavier Mauméjean?Xavier Maumejean
Maïa Mazaurette?Maia Mazaurette
95 Patricia A. McKillip 1
96 Robin McKinley 1
97 Sylvie Miller 3
98 L. E. Modesitt 6
99 Vincent Mondiot 1
100 Patrick Moran 1
101 Arthur Morgan (I) 1
102 Sam Nell 1
Stéphanie Nicot?Stephanie Nicot
104 Justine Niogret 5
105 Larry Niven 2
106 David K. Nouvel 1
107 Patrick O'Leary 1
108 Henry Lion Oldie 2
109 Sébastien Pennes 4
Isabelle Périer?Isabelle Perier
111 Isabelle Pernot 4
112 Franck Plasse 1
113 Laurent Poujois 2
114 Javier Redal 1
115 Michel Robert 4
116 Grégory Da Rosa 3
André-François Ruaud?Andre-Francois Ruaud
118 Sean Russell 1
119 Carl Sagan 1
120 Yann de Saint-Rat 1
121 Charles Saunders 1
122 Pierre Saviste 4
123 Lucius Shepard 2
124 Robert Silverberg 1
125 Clark Ashton Smith 1
126 Marianne Stern 1
127 Sean Stewart 1
128 Charles Stross 2
129 Rachel Tanner 1
130 Brice Tarvel 2
131 Christophe Thill 1
132 Adrien Tomas 12
133 uncredited 1
134 Jack Vance 2
135 Jean-Claude Vantroyen 1
136 Joan D. Vinge 2
Élisabeth Vonarburg?Elisabeth Vonarburg
138 Roland C. Wagner 3
139 Philippe Ward 1
140 Erik Wietzel 2
141 Gene Wolfe 1
142 Chelsea Quinn Yarbro 1
143 Yoss 4
144 Roger Zelazny 1
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