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Authors for Publisher Unwin Paperbacks, Sorted by Name

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Note that the statistics below count the number of publications associated with publication-level authors and editors. They do not count the authors of individual titles (stories, poems, etc.) contained in publications. Each edition of a book increments its author's count. Different forms of an author's name, e.g. 'Mary Shelley' vs. 'Mary W. Shelley', are counted separately.

# Author/Editor Publication Count
1 Gill Alderman 1
2 David Arscott 1
3 Robin W. Bailey 1
4 Peter Beagle 2
5 Scott Bradfield 1
6 Richard Burns 2
7 James Branch Cabell 3
Karel Čapek?Karel Capek
Karel Chapek
9 Orson Scott Card 1
10 Humphrey Carpenter 1
11 Joy Chant 3
12 Adrian Cole 6
13 Louise Cooper 12
14 John Crowley 1
15 Lyndan Darby 3
16 Paul Davies (1946-) 1
17 Ian Dennis 2
18 Chris Dixon 2
19 Lord Dunsany 2
20 Roger Eldridge 1
21 Ru Emerson 1
22 Christopher Evans 3
23 Robert Foster (author) 1
24 Nigel Frith 6
25 Lisa Goldstein 2
26 Colin Greenland 4
27 Barbara Hambly 13
28 Geraldine Harris 4
29 M. John Harrison 6
30 Robert Holdstock 3
31 Maxim Jakubowski 2
32 Gwyneth Jones 2
33 Guy Gavriel Kay 7
34 Garry Kilworth 6
35 Tanith Lee 8
36 Megan Lindholm 4
37 Mary Mackey 1
38 David J. Marl 1
39 Graham Dunstan Martin 3
Wolf von Niebelschütz?Wolf von Niebelschuetz
41 Kim Stanley Robinson 1
42 Geoff Ryman 4
43 Midori Snyder 2
44 Spedding 3
45 J. R. R. Tolkien 49
46 Christopher Tolkien 10
47 Cherry Wilder 5
48 Jack Womack 2
49 Wu Ch'êng-ên 1
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