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Publisher Bruguera: Books Published in 1982

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Title Date Author/Editor Publication series ISBN/Catalog ID Price Pages Format Type Cover Artist Verif
Damas bajo la lluvia 1982-00-00 Curtis Garland Selección Terror (Bruguera) #495     94
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
chap Antonio Bernal  
Los aborígenes de Kalgalla 1982-00-00 A. Thorkent La conquista del espacio #599     96
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
chap Enrique Martin  
El comprador de recuerdos 1982-02-00 Lou Carrigan Selección Terror (Bruguera) #469     95
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
chap Antonio Bernal  
El enigma de Urtala 1982-08-00 A. Thorkent La conquista del espacio #629  
Pta 50?Pta: Spanish peseta. ISO code: ESP
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
chap Luis Almazán  
Naves espaciales: 2000 a 2100 D.C. 1982-10-00 Stewart Cowley   84-02-08616-0   96
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
coll Angus McKie  
La diosa de las profundidades 1982-11-00 Joseph Berna La conquista del espacio #640     94
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
chap Badia Camps  
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