- Publication Series: Fredhøis Store Bøker?Fredhois Store BokerPub. Series Record # 12107
Note: Norwegian horror novel series
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Date | Pub. Series # | Title | Author/Editor | Publisher | ISBN/Catalog ID | Price | Pages | Format | Type | Cover Artist | Verif |
1974-00-00 | 1 | Exorcisten - Djevleutdriveren | William Peter Blatty | Fredhøis Forlag A/S?Fredhois Forlag A/S |
82-04-00387-0 | nkr 22.00?nkr: Norwegian krone (crown). ISO code: NOK |
318 | unknown?The publication record was created from a secondary source and the publication format is unknown. |
novel | ||
1976-00-00 | 3 | Dødsdømt?Dodsdomt |
Ole Schierbeck | Fredhøis Forlag A/S?Fredhois Forlag A/S |
82-04-00586-5 | 223 | unknown?The publication record was created from a secondary source and the publication format is unknown. |
novel | |||
1977-00-00 | 4 | Omen | David Seltzer | Fredhøis Forlag A/S?Fredhois Forlag A/S |
82-04-00632-2 | nkr | 234 | unknown?The publication record was created from a secondary source and the publication format is unknown. |
novel |