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Titles marked with tag human-alien hybrids

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Vasha77 (6) , Filbi (2) , Invisible Trihedron (1) , Paulotecario (1) , ErsatzCulture (1)

Titles Marked With This Tag:

Date Type Language Title Authors Parent Title Parent Authors Tags
2015-09-22 SHORTFICTION English Binti Nnedi Okorafor     African speculative fiction (2), Afrofuturism (2), science fiction (1), Namibia (1), female main character (1), benevolent aliens (1), human-alien hybrids (1), mathematics (1)
2012-12-01 SHORTFICTION English The Foreigner Uko Bendi Udo     African speculative fiction (1), science fiction (1), aliens (1), human-alien hybrids (1)
2010-06-00 SHORTFICTION English Your Mama Can Hear You Screamin' Terrie Leigh Relf     science fiction (1), alien abduction (1), human-alien hybrids (1)
2008-00-00 SHORTFICTION English
Peter Kalu     aliens (1), human-alien hybrids (1)
1989-05-00 NOVEL English Imago Octavia E. Butler     science fiction (1), coming of age (1), human-alien hybrids (1), hard sf (1), nonbinary gender (1)
1988-06-00 NOVEL English Adulthood Rites Octavia E. Butler     human-alien hybrids (2), science fiction (2), nonbinary gender (1), enhanced senses (1), mother and son (1), mother and child (1), resistance (1), human rebellion (1), kidnapping (1), kidnapped (1), alien-human symbiosis (1), aliens on Earth (1), trade with aliens (1), human-alien cooperation (1), human-alien relations (1), post apocalypse (1), after apocalypse (1), Preteen protagonist (1), child protagonist (1), boy protagonist (1), Hybrid (1), human-alien hybrid (1), baby (1), hard sf (1)
1987-05-00 NOVEL English Dawn Octavia E. Butler     science fiction (2), nonbinary gender (1), first contact (1), Grey alien (1), Last survivors (1), tentacles (1), suspended animation (1), jungle (1), genetic modification (1), captives (1), post-apocalypse (1), Non-binary gender (1), Living spaceship (1), alien spaceship (1), post apocalypse (1), aliens (1), human-alien hybrids (1), hard sf (1)
1954-08-00 SHORTFICTION English Gilead Zenna Henderson     New Mexico (1), paranormal powers (1), human-alien hybrids (1), first person point of view (1), science fiction (1), genetic memory (1)
1932-10-00 SHORTFICTION English The Testament of Athammaus Clark Ashton Smith     human-alien hybrids (1), mutation (1), resurrection (1), execution (1), executioner (1), barbarians (1), blob monster (1), first person point of view (1), prehistoric (1), Cthulhu Mythos (1), weird (1), fantasy (1), horror (1)
1929-04-00 SHORTFICTION English The Dunwich Horror H. P. Lovecraft     Cthulhu Mythos (2), horror (2), into-movie (2), witchcraft (2), human-alien hybrids (1), forbidden books (1), warlocks (1), weird (1), massachusetts (1), cosmic horror (1), Creepy Child (1), invisible monster (1), monsters (1), antichrist (1), wizards (1), terror (1), magic (1), primordial gods (1), ritual (1)
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