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Titles marked with tag colonization of other worlds

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Chemical404 (1) , ErsatzCulture (1)

Titles Marked With This Tag:

Date Type Language Title Authors Parent Title Parent Authors Tags
2019-03-26 NOVEL English Tiamat's Wrath Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck     science fiction (2), politics (1), stargates (1), series (1), space stations (1), space habitats (1), powered armour (1), outer planets (1), immortality (1), neutron stars (1), genetic engineering (1), asteroids (1), galactic empires (1), weapons (1), spaceships (1), forerunners (1), macrostrucrures (1), space opera (1), military sf (1), antimatter (1), colonization of other worlds (1), future war (1)
2000-07-00 NOVEL English Salt Adam Roberts     anarchism (1), terrorism (1), asymmetric warfare (1), science fiction (1), colonization of other worlds (1), colony planet (1), extrasolar colonies (1), human colonization of extrasolar planets (1), interplanetary colonization (1), interstellar colonization (1), planetary colonization (1), cryosleep (1), guerrilla war (1), desert (1)
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