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Titles marked with tag privately funded spaceflight

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Titles Marked With This Tag:

Date Type Language Title Authors Parent Title Parent Authors Tags
2019-04-23 NOVEL English Delta-v Daniel Suarez     near future (2), asteroids (2), technothriller (1), science fiction (1), asteroid (1), asteroid mining (1), astronaut (1), astronaut training (1), privately funded spaceflight (1), secret space mission (1), 162173 Ryugu (1)
2019-07-23 NOVEL English The Last Astronaut David Wellington     horror (2), science fiction (2), first contact (1), privately funded spaceflight (1), Big Dumb Object (1), astronomer (1), astronaut (1), NASA (1), near future (1), Oumuamua (1), first Mars voyage (1), mars (1)
2019-08-08 SHORTFICTION English To Be Taught, If Fortunate Becky Chambers     science fiction (2), crowdfunding (1), interstellar exploration (1), space exploration (1), planetary exploration (1), interplanetary exploration (1), extrasolar planet (1), genetic manipulation (1), genetically enhanced humans (1), privately funded spaceflight (1), water world (1), tidal locking (1)
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