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Titles marked with tag flying cars

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Titles Marked With This Tag:

Date Type Language Title Authors Parent Title Parent Authors Tags
1985-09-00 NOVEL English Robots and Empire Isaac Asimov     robots (2), galactic empire (2), science fiction (2), New York City (1), longevity (1), flying cars (1), friendship (1), genetic engineering (1), hyperwave (1), ansible (1), fusion reactors (1), empathy (1), racism (1), psychohistory (1), physics (1), oratory (1), Solar power (1), interstellar travel (1), beards (1), radioactivity (1), starship (1), robotics (1), Laws of Robotics (1), series (1), positronic robots (1), space colonies (1), politics (1), psi powers (1), future histories (1), Pennsylvania (1), hyperspace (1), uranium (1), mind control (1), androids (1), death (1), evolution (1), infrasound (1), telepathy (1)
1952-00-00 COLLECTION English Foundation and Empire Isaac Asimov     empathy (1), psychic probe (1), world city (1), bribery (1), underground city (1), mutants (1), tidally locked planet (1), nuclear power (1), bureaucrats (1), ray guns (1), birds (1), clown (1), psychologist (1), assassination (1), flying cars (1), enhanced intellilgence (1), tobacco (1), interstellar trade (1), music (1), science fiction (1), space opera (1), galactic empire (1), hard sf (1), library (1), psychic ability (1), mutant (1), Les 100 principaux titres de la science-fiction (1), psychohistory (1), mind control (1), interstellar travel (1), strong female character (1), space war (1), force fields (1), microfilm (1), hyperwave (1)
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