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Titles marked with tag Pacific Northwest

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Stodavr (3)

Titles Marked With This Tag:

Date Type Language Title Authors Parent Title Parent Authors Tags
1990-05-00 SHORTFICTION English And the Angels Sing Kate Wilhelm     angels (1), science fiction (1), aliens (1), Pacific Northwest (1), newspapers (1), journalism (1)
1990-01-00 SHORTFICTION English Personal Silence Molly Gloss     precognition (1), science fiction (1), war (1), dystopia (1), Pacific Northwest (1), vow of silence (1), pacifism (1), near future (1), past lives (1), reincarnation (1)
1981-09-00 SHORTFICTION English The Winter Beach Kate Wilhelm     science fiction (1), Nazi Germany (1), immortality (1), Pacific Northwest (1), eagles (1)
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