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Titles Marked With This Tag:

Date Type Language Title Authors Parent Title Parent Authors Tags
unpublished SHORTFICTION Spanish [Interferenz]
Vladimir Hernández?Vladimir Hernandez
    swarm intelligence (1), interstellar travel (1)
2024-05-17 SHORTFICTION German NATHANS Bibliothekar Stefan Pannor     Jorge Luis Borges (1), library (1), interstellar travel (1), science fiction (1)
2023-05-00 SHORTFICTION German Das Tor zur Goldenen Stadt Andreas Eschbach     guard of gate (1), interstellar travel (1)
2023-01-00 SHORTFICTION German Geliebte Savona Karsten Lorenz     interstellar travel (1), artificial intelligence (1), romance (1)
2023-12-09 SHORTFICTION German Mission Sternenlicht Markus Regler     interstellar travel (1), colonization (1), science fiction (1)
2023-12-09 SHORTFICTION German
Tränen im All?Traenen im All
E. S. Schmidt     interstellar travel (1), cryogenics (1), encounter with Death (1), science fiction (1)
2023-09-00 SHORTFICTION German Unearthing Erik Wunderlich     interstellar travel (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2022-07-00 SHORTFICTION German
Die Einhörner?Die Einhoerner
Lucy Guth     pandemic (1), unicorns (1), interstellar travel (1)
2022-05-11 SHORTFICTION German
Du öffnest die Tür — Ein Kammerspiel?Du oeffnest die Tuer — Ein Kammerspiel
Marcus Hammerschmitt     interstellar travel (1), Poetry (1), first contact (1)
2022-11-00 SHORTFICTION German Einer fehlt
Norbert Stöbe?Norbert Stoebe
    interstellar travel (1), X Minus 1 (1)
2022-01-00 SHORTFICTION German Fast Forward C. M. Dyrnberg     interstellar travel (1), simulation (1)
2022-08-15 SHORTFICTION German
Neutrinoklänge in Stunde X?Neutrinoklaenge in Stunde X
Horst Pukallus     interstellar travel (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2022-02-11 SHORTFICTION German Reset Volker Dornemann     interstellar travel (1), madness (1)
2022-12-30 SHORTFICTION German Wendy Volker Dornemann     interstellar travel (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2021-04-16 SHORTFICTION German Die Meute Jochzor Uschi Zietsch     interstellar travel (1), alien invasion (1), alien perspective (1)
2021-05-04 NOVEL English Project Hail Mary Andy Weir     science fiction (4), bacteria (1), into-movie (1), Nomeados ao Hugo em Português (1), Coma (1), engineer (1), scientist (1), aliens (1), climate change (1), Bravery (1), cowardice (1), Pacific Ocean (1), antarctica (1), Kazakhstan (1), education (1), first contact (1), xenobiology (1), xenon (1), aluminum (1), interstellar travel (1), Earth (1), Tau Ceti (1), Epsilon Eridani (1), hard sf (1), first person point of view (1), amnesia (1), ammonia (1)
2021-01-00 SHORTFICTION English The Planetbreaker's Son Nick Mamatas     interstellar travel (1), simulation (1), education (1), greek mythology (1)
2020-10-20 SHORTFICTION German Der Decium-Bug Thomas Heitlinger     interstellar travel (1)
2020-08-00 SHORTFICTION German Keine Maßnahmen erforderlich Peter Stohl     interstellar travel (1), dreams (1)
2020-05-00 SHORTFICTION German Mietnomaden
Heidrun Jänchen?Heidrun Jaenchen
    interstellar travel (1), climate change (1), Refugees (1)
2019-05-00 SHORTFICTION English The Memory Artist Ian R. MacLeod     interstellar travel (1), refuse dump (1), genetic engineering (1), artificial personality (1), memory (1)
2018-06-25 NOVEL English Oliver's Universe K. T. Hazlett     young-adult sf (1), interstellar travel (1), interplanetary adventure (1)
2016-10-00 SHORTFICTION Spanish Diario de una bioexploradora Marisa Alemany     science fiction (1), interstellar travel (1)
2016-10-00 SHORTFICTION Spanish Hacia la última estrella José Luis Millán     science fiction (1), interstellar travel (1)
2016-10-00 SHORTFICTION Spanish La canción de Orfeo María Tordera     science fiction (1), interstellar travel (1)
2016-10-00 SHORTFICTION Spanish La chambre nue María Concepción Regueiro Digón     science fiction (1), interstellar travel (1)
2016-10-00 SHORTFICTION Spanish La chica más veloz de Babilonia Ana Tapia     science fiction (1), interstellar travel (1)
2016-10-00 SHORTFICTION Spanish La luna existe cuando la miramos Eva G. Guerrero     science fiction (1), interstellar travel (1)
2016-10-00 SHORTFICTION Spanish Las carpas del jardín japonés del té David G. González     science fiction (1), interstellar travel (1)
2016-10-00 SHORTFICTION Spanish Mierda de gusano Daniel Garrido Castro     science fiction (1), interstellar travel (1)
2016-10-00 SHORTFICTION Spanish Navegantes de eternidad Pedro Moscatel     science fiction (1), interstellar travel (1)
2016-10-00 SHORTFICTION Spanish Quinta sinfonía en do sostenido menor Josué Ramos     science fiction (1), interstellar travel (1)
2015-07-00 NOVEL English Aurora Kim Stanley Robinson     interstellar travel (2), science fiction (1), generation ship (1), Tau Ceti (1), artificial intelligence (1), colonization (1), first person point of view (1), prions (1), suspended animation (1), terraforming (1)
2015-10-13 NOVEL English Children of the Comet Donald Moffitt     science fiction (1), interstellar travel (1)
2014-12-00 NOVEL English The Fortress in Orion Mike Resnick     space opera (1), assemble the squad (1), behind enemy lines (1), war with aliens (1), interstellar travel (1), shape shifters (1), espionage (1)
2012-06-00 ANTHOLOGY English Going Interstellar Les Johnson and Jack McDevitt     interstellar travel (1), original anthology (1)
2012-01-17 NOVEL English Shadows in Flight Orson Scott Card     science fiction (1), bickering (1), genetic engineering (1), giants (1), relativistic time dilation (1), enhanced intelligence (1), children (1), interstellar travel (1), alien artifacts (1), telepathy (1)
2012-12-00 NOVEL English The Reticuli Deception Alastair Mayer     UFO (1), interstellar travel (1), FTL travel (1), alien artifact (1)
2011-05-00 NOVEL Chinese
观想之宙?Guan xiang zhi zhou
Guān xiǎng zhī zhòu
Bao Shu     science fiction (1), End of the Universe (1), love (1), alien perspective (1), aliens (1), interstellar travel (1), interstellar war (1), black holes (1), pocket universe (1), higher intelligence (1)
2011-11-11 NOVEL English The Chara Talisman Alastair Mayer     interstellar travel (1), science fiction (1), alien artifact (1), FTL travel (1), action-adventure (1)
2011-01-01 NOVEL English Veterans of the Psychic Wars Wayne Gerard Trotman     space opera (1), military sf (1), science fiction (1), shapechangers (1), psychic ability (1), action-adventure (1), interstellar travel (1), telepathy (1), thought transmission helmets (1), matter transmission (1), hyperspace (1)
2010-00-00 NOVEL Chinese
死神永生?Sǐshén yǒngshēng
Cixin Liu     science fiction (1), China (1), dimensional transformation (1), Fermi paradox (1), suspended animation (1), war with aliens (1), alien perspective (1), Australia (1), End of the Universe (1), end of the world (1), space stations (1), Pluto (1), interstellar travel (1), interplanetary travel (1)
2010-10-01 SHORTFICTION English Poetic Justice Alastair Mayer     science fiction (1), insanity (1), suspended animation (1), interstellar travel (1), horror (1)
2010-04-00 NOVEL English The Orphaned Worlds Michael Cobley     science fiction (1), interstellar travel (1), war with aliens (1), artificial intelligence (1), androids (1), world consciousness (1)
2010-08-03 NOVEL English The Stainless Steel Rat Returns Harry Harrison     science fiction (1), interstellar travel (1)
2009-07-30 SHORTFICTION English Anhedonia Adam Roberts     interstellar travel (1), mars (1), anhedonia (1), jealousy (1), technologically advanced aliens (1)
2009-08-20 NOVEL English Ark Stephen Baxter     science fiction (1), exodus (1), mutiny (1), red dwarfs (1), sabotage (1), yellowstone (1), Io (1), Jupiter (1), interstellar travel (1), rising sea level (1), Denver (1), 82 Eridani (1)
2009-06-00 SHORTFICTION English Lady of the White-Spired City Sarah L. Edwards     science fiction (1), interstellar travel (1), relativistic time dilation (1), genealogy (1), loss (1), archives (1)
2009-11-10 NOVEL English Prison Ship Michael Bowers     science fiction (1), convicts (1), espionage (1), cyborg (1), mutiny (1), galactic civil war (1), interstellar travel (1), 2435 (1)
2009-07-01 SHORTFICTION English The Island Peter Watts     space opera (1), artificial intelligence (1), suspended animation (1), first contact (1), science fiction (1), evolution (1), far future (1), dyson sphere (1), higher intelligence (1), interstellar travel (1)
2008-00-00 NOVEL Chinese
黑暗森林?Heian senlin
Cixin Liu     science fiction (1), China (1), interplanetary travel (1), architecture (1), antigravity (1), Fermi paradox (1), space war (1), love (1), suspended animation (1), alien perspective (1), interstellar travel (1), surveillance (1), deception (1), story within a story (1)
2008-11-00 NOVEL English Ender in Exile Orson Scott Card     science fiction (1), interstellar travel (1), colonization (1), aliens (1)
2008-08-00 NOVEL English The Chimes at Midnight Geoff Trowbridge     alternative Star Trek universe (1), Thelin the Andorian (1), Project Genesis (1), Romulan Empire (1), Klingon Empire (1), space warfare (1), interstellar travel (1), Saavik (1), David Marcus (1)
2007-02-00 SHORTFICTION English A Young Man with Prospects Orson Scott Card     science fiction (1), aliens (1), colonization (1), interstellar travel (1)
2007-10-00 NOVEL English Fleet of Worlds Edward M. Lerner and Larry Niven     science fiction (1), aliens (1), moving worlds (1), interstellar travel (1)
2007-02-00 NOVEL English Star Marines William H. Keith, Jr.     military sf (1), war with aliens (1), interstellar travel (1), stargates (1), killer asteroids (1), friendly aliens (1)
2006-08-00 SHORTFICTION English Escape from Earth Allen Steele     Vermont (1), interstellar travel (1), interplanetary government (1), time travel (1), contemporary (1), only humans (1), first person point of view (1), juvenile (1), SF (1)
2006-09-19 NOVEL English Variable Star Robert A. Heinlein and Spider Robinson     generation ship (1), faster than light travel (1), twins (1), telepathy (1), drugs (1), sex (1), nova (1), interstellar travel (1), colonization (1)
2005-10-00 SHORTFICTION English Mazer in Prison Orson Scott Card     science fiction (1), interstellar travel (1), relativistic time dilation (1), space fleet (1), computers (1)
2005-10-00 NOVEL English Runner William C. Dietz     intrigue (1), paranormal mental powers (1), courier (1), genetic engineering (1), collapsed galactic civilization (1), religion (1), artificial intelligence (1), reincarnation (1), interstellar travel (1), Strong juvenile character (1), strong female character (1), religious leaders (1)
2004-01-00 NOVEL English Berserker Prime Fred Saberhagen     war between human colonies (1), war in space (1), interstellar travel (1), berserker machines (1), war between humans and machines (1), robots (1), hostages (1), non-humanoid aliens (1), planetary sterilization (1), executioner (1), sentient war machine (1)
2004-08-00 SHORTFICTION English Investments Walter Jon Williams     science fiction (1), economics (1), space opera (1), alien species (1), gambling (1), extinction event (1), corruption (1), pulsars (1), interstellar travel (1), noble houses (1), antimatter (1)
2004-10-00 NOVEL English The Boy Who Would Live Forever Frederik Pohl     science fiction (1), alien artifacts (1), interstellar travel (1), black holes (1), aliens (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2004-07-00 SHORTFICTION English The Clapping Hands of God Michael F. Flynn     sympathy (1), war between alien species (1), travel through hyperspace (1), first contact (1), interstellar travel (1), Muslim protagonist (1), weight of leadership (1)
2004-04-00 SHORTFICTION English The Ocean of the Blind James L. Cambias     science fiction (1), hard sf (1), aliens (1), aquatic aliens (1), aquatic expedition (1), underwater (1), scientists (1), alien contact (1), contact with aliens (1), first contact (1), undersea (1), echolocation (1), horror (1), stealth diving suit (1), interstellar travel (1)
2004-09-00 SHORTFICTION English The Third Party David Moles     lost human colony (1), interstellar civilizations (1), strong female character (1), economics (1), only humans (1), interstellar travel (1), preindustrial civilization (1)
2004-08-00 SHORTFICTION English The Tribes of Bela Albert E. Cowdrey     mining colony (1), alien religion (1), alien ecology (1), gone native (1), war with aliens (1), murder mystery (1), interstellar travel (1), first contact (1), epistolary structure (1), strong female characters (1), first person point of view (1), serial killer (1), planet with extreme climate (1)
2003-04-00 NOVEL English Hidden in Sight Julie E. Czerneda     science fiction (1), shapechangers (1), alien perspective (1), interstellar travel (1)
2003-09-00 NOVEL English Nothing Human Nancy Kress     set in 2000s (decade) (1), smell (1), relativistic time dilation (1), sea level rise (1), survival (1), childbirth (1), abortion (1), interstellar travel (1), drought (1), set in 2060s (1), set in 2050s (1), set in 2010s (1), science fiction (1), rape (1), upllift (1), biological warfare (1), climate change (1), New York City (1), New Mexico (1), Maryland (1), aliens (1), genetic engineering (1), set in 1990s (1)
2003-12-00 SHORTFICTION German Sprung 69 Michael Marcus Thurner     erotica (1), interstellar travel (1)
2002-03-00 SHORTFICTION English Paradises Lost Ursula K. Le Guin     Kurd Laßwitz Award: Best Foreign Novel (1), science fiction (1), generation ship (1), interstellar travel (1), religion (1), Utopia (1), perception of reality (1), ecocriticism (1), into-opera (1)
2001-03-00 NOVEL English Borrowed Tides Paul Levinson     time travel (1), mars (1), interstellar travel (1)
2001-06-00 NOVEL English Terraforming Earth Jack Williamson     comet impact (1), first person point of view (1), forest (1), dreams (1), biological warfare (1), asteroid impact (1), mass extinction (1), Australia (1), fruit (1), longevity (1), slavery (1), survival (1), moon (1), robots (1), artificial intelligence (1), holography (1), nanotechnology (1), end of the world (1), terraforming (1), africa (1), india (1), mexico (1), alien invasion (1), higher intelligence (1), interplanetary travel (1), interstellar travel (1), parasites (1), Earth (1), cloning (1), catastrophe (1), science fiction (1)
1999-09-00 NOVEL English A Signal Shattered Eric S. Nylund     science fiction (1), aliens (1), first contact (1), Clones (1), interstellar travel (1)
1999-05-00 NOVEL English Foundation's Triumph David Brin     science fiction (1), robots (1), cyborgs (1), interstellar travel (1), rebellion (1), Earth (1), psychohistory (1)
1999-05-00 SHORTFICTION English Investment Counselor Orson Scott Card     science fiction (1), interstellar travel (1), relativistic time dilation (1), theft (1), artificial intelligence (1)
1998-11-00 SHORTFICTION English A Dance to Strange Musics Gregory Benford     Alpha Centauri (1), interstellar travel (1), alien ecology (1), piezoelectricity (1)
1998-10-00 NOVEL English Beholder's Eye Julie E. Czerneda     science fiction (1), shapechangers (1), alien perspective (1), interstellar travel (1)
1998-04-00 NOVEL English Earth Made of Glass John Barnes     nanotechnology (1), diplomacy (1), science fiction (1), interstellar travel (1), religion (1), antimatter (1), murder (1), adultery (1)
1998-11-00 NOVEL English Parable of the Talents Octavia E. Butler     science fiction (2), journal (1), women (1), racism (1), post-apocalyptic (1), Fundamentalism (1), dystopian (1), apocalyptic (1), African American (1), Abuse (1), suspended animation (1), Alpha Centauri (1), dystopia (1), United States (1), theocracy (1), slavery (1), virtual reality (1), concentration camps (1), rape (1), African Americans (1), historian (1), interstellar travel (1)
1998-02-00 SHORTFICTION English Tamarii Notebook Don Webb     interstellar travel (1), culture (1), first person point of view (1), sociology (1), love (1), anthropologist (1), war with aliens (1), Mariticide (1)
1997-03-00 SHORTFICTION English A Time to Kill David Weber     mercy (1), interstellar travel (1), war with aliens (1), morality of war (1), hard sf (1), military sf (1), war (1), artificial intelligence (1), artificial intelligence point of view (1), alien point of view (1), genocide (1)
1997-00-00 NOVEL English Master of Masters Larry Townsend     sadomasochism (1), gay erotica (1), science fiction (1), interstellar travel (1)
1995-09-00 NOVEL English Conquerors' Heritage Timothy Zahn     science fiction (1), family (1), interclan politics (1), treachery (1), space war (1), life after death (1), biological telepresence (1), alien point of view (1), interstellar travel (1), alien races (1)
1995-02-00 NOVEL English Earthfall Orson Scott Card     science fiction (1), artificial intelligence (1), far future (1), interstellar travel (1)
1995-00-00 SHORTFICTION English Planting Walnuts Linda Tiernan Kepner     first person point of view (1), strong female characters (1), interstellar travel (1), hostile planet (1), alien allies (1), conflict with aliens (1), surveying (1)
1995-00-00 SHORTFICTION English Siblings Warren Lapine     first contact (1), interstellar travel (1), female protagonist (1), strong female character (1), telepathy (1), childhood abuse (1), miscommunication (1)
1995-00-00 SHORTFICTION English The Minds Who Jumped F. Gwynplaine MacIntyre     downloading personalities (1), artificial bodies (1), interstellar travel (1), recorded sensory experiences (1), female protagonist (1), stellar flare (1), revenge (1)
1995-05-04 SHORTFICTION English Wang's Carpets Greg Egan     hard sf (1), science fiction (1), sentience (1), simulation (1), interstellar travel (1)
1994-11-00 SHORTFICTION English Endings William R. Forstchen     bolo (1), compassion (1), AI (1), war machine (1), mutual destruction (1), interstellar travel (1), alien point of view (1), war between humans and aliens (1), no humans (1), AI point of view (1)
1994-03-00 NOVEL English Foreigner Robert J. Sawyer     nanotechnology (1), Earth (1), interstellar travel (1), aviation (1), science fiction (1), dinosaurs (1), aliens (1), alien perspective (1), psychology (1), surveillance (1), space elevator (1), artificial intelligence (1)
1994-02-00 NOVEL English Lyon's Pride Anne McCaffrey     families (1), teleportation (1), telepathy (1), war with aliens (1), alien allies (1), interstellar travel (1), insectoid aliens (1)
1994-11-00 ANTHOLOGY English The Unconquerable Bill Fawcett     combat (1), war between humans and aliens (1), interstellar travel (1), AI (1), bolo (1), military (1), war with aliens (1)
1993-05-00 NOVEL English Fossil Hunter Robert J. Sawyer     aviation (1), aliens (1), dinosaurs (1), science fiction (1), alien artifacts (1), interstellar travel (1), Geology (1), paleontology (1), religion (1), higher intelligence (1), evolution (1), genetic engineering (1), alien perspective (1)
1993-09-00 SHORTFICTION English Operation Desert Fox Larry Dixon and Mercedes Lackey     Erwin Rommel (1), military history (1), military sf (1), military artificial intelligence (1), interstellar travel (1), colonists (1), remote garrison (1), combat (1), strategy (1)
1993-09-02 SHORTFICTION English Procrustes Larry Niven     automated medical machinery (1), science fiction (1), sex (1), albino (1), Earth (1), mars (1), interplanetary travel (1), teleportation (1), interstellar travel (1)
1993-02-00 NOVEL English The Gripping Hand Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle     reproduction (1), genetic engineering (1), diplomacy (1), protostar (1), espionage (1), interstellar travel (1), set in 3000s (1), science fiction (1), aliens (1), faster than light travel (1)
1992-10-00 NOVEL English A Million Open Doors John Barnes     interstellar travel (1), science fiction (1), Arcturus (1), set in 2800s (1)
1992-02-00 NOVEL English Anvil of Stars Greg Bear     genocide (1), robots (1), education (1), transmutation (1), deception (1), planetary engineering (1), mathematics (1), dreams (1), religion (1), artificial intelligence (1), alien artifacts (1), interstellar war (1), guilt (1), revenge (1), aliens (1), interstellar travel (1), ethics (1), force fields (1), space opera (1), first contact (1), science fiction (1), war with machines (1), neutronium (1), neutrinos (1), strategy (1), ansible (1), nanotechnology (1), LGBTQ (1), smell (1), love (1), berserkers (1), Von Neumann machines (1), antimatter (1), supernova (1)
1992-07-00 SHORTFICTION English Breakups Harry Turtledove     alien artifacts (1), ancient aliens (1), aliens (1), interstellar travel (1), hard sf (1), Crab Nebula (1)
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