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Titles marked with tag time stasis

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Invisible Trihedron (7) , Linguist (4) , Dragoondelight (2)

Titles Marked With This Tag:

Date Type Language Title Authors Parent Title Parent Authors Tags
2007-02-00 NOVEL French La fenêtre jaune Serge Brussolo     time stasis (1), science fiction (1)
1989-00-00 NOVEL French Les berges du temps Henri Vernes     science fiction (1), time stasis (1), mad scientist (1), multi-dimensional universes (1)
1980-05-00 NOVEL French L'impasse-temps Dominique Douay     science fiction (1), time stasis (1)
1979-06-00 NOVEL English Hegira Greg Bear     science fiction (1), Islam inspired (1), far future (1), artificial life (1), cyclic time (1), artificial intelligence (1), mega engineering (1), cosmology (1), Entropy (1), force field (1), time stasis (1), tsunami (1)
1976-09-00 NOVEL English A World Out of Time Larry Niven     body swap (1), Jupiter (1), loss (1), dystopia (1), interstellar travel (1), education (1), antarctica (1), Earth (1), time stasis (1), cryogenics (1), suspended animation (1), A World Out of Time (1), artificial intelligence (1), black holes (1), far future (1), sex (1), climate change (1), climate engineering (1), moving planets (1), cats (1), evolution (1), science fiction (1)
1970-10-00 NOVEL English Ringworld Larry Niven     exploration (2), into-comics (1), natural disaster (1), teleportation (1), faster than light travel (1), breeding program (1), time stasis (1), luck (1), interstellar travel (1), aliens (1), longevity (1), superconductivity (1), into-game (1), into-video game (1), hard sf (1), Abebooks: 50 Essential SF Books (1), science fiction (1), The 5-Parsec Shelf (1), Anatomy of Wonder 1 Core Collection (1), asteroid (1), mega-engineering (1)
1967-00-00 NOVEL French
Le cratère des immortels?Le cratere des immortels
Henri Vernes     nazis (1), science fiction (1), time loop (1), time stasis (1)
1967-02-00 SHORTFICTION English The Soft Weapon Larry Niven     hard sf (1), interstellar travel (1), war with aliens (1), alien artifacts (1), into-tv (1), force fields (1), time distortion (1), Beta Lyrae (1), time stasis (1)
1966-08-00 NOVEL English World of Ptavvs Larry Niven     science fiction (2), Pluto (1), Earth (1), telepathy (1), alien perspective (1), interplanetary travel (1), interstellar travel (1), force fields (1), time distortion (1), mind control (1), alien invasion (1), time stasis (1)
1965-06-00 SHORTFICTION English One Face Larry Niven     far future (1), Earth (1), tidal locking (1), faster than light travel (1), science fiction (1), time stasis (1), white dwarfs (1)
1965-00-00 NOVEL English The Ballad of Beta-2 Samuel R. Delany     generation ship (1), orgasm (1), time stasis (1), court trial (1), mutants (1), computers (1), feet (1), academia (1), telepathy (1), anthropology (1), interstellar travel (1), novel within novella range (1), music (1), paranormal powers (1), teleportation (1), eugenics (1), aliens (1), first contact (1), interspecies sex (1), human-alien hybrid (1), mesons (1), higher intelligence (1)
1935-02-00 SHORTFICTION English When Time Stood Still Philip Jacques Bartel     time stasis (1)
1933-10-00 SHORTFICTION English A Race Through Time Donald Wandrei     time stasis (1), time machine (1)
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