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Titles marked with tag smuggling

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Dragoondelight (2) , Invisible Trihedron (2) , Vasha77 (1) , Graeme (1) , Chrisgherr (1) , Gzuckier (1) , Stodavr (1)

Titles Marked With This Tag:

Date Type Language Title Authors Parent Title Parent Authors Tags
2017-11-14 NOVEL English Artemis Andy Weir     science fiction (1), moon (1), hard sf (1), aluminum (1), smuggling (1), first person point of view (1), Kenya (1), mining (1), sabotage (1), correspondence (1), tourism (1), economics (1), oxygen (1), chloroform (1), alcohol (1)
2017-09-19 NOVEL English Autonomous Annalee Newitz     science fiction (4), robots (2), slavery (2), cyberpunk (2), drugs (2), medicine (1), research (1), alternating chapter structure (1), hard sf (1), Exploitation (1), Big Business (1), Business Immorality (1), child abuse (1), genetic engineering (1), hard science fiction (1), Medical Ethics (1), Monopoly (1), Pharmaceutical Industry (1), Piracy (1), smuggling (1), Societal Exploitation (1), Capitalism (1), LBGTQ (1), feminism (1), sex (1), near future (1)
2017-02-16 SHORTFICTION English J Jeanne Kramer-Smyth     space opera (1), smuggling (1), genetic engineering (1)
1992-07-00 SHORTFICTION English Liquid Assets Rebecca Ore     collectibles (1), interstellar travel (1), smuggling (1), tropical fish (1), aliens (1), ancient alien artifacts (1)
1986-06-00 SHORTFICTION English Rat James Patrick Kelly     science fiction (1), cyberpunk (1), near future (1), dystopia (1), drugs (1), smuggling (1), Body modification (1)
1966-12-00 SHORTFICTION English At the Bottom of a Hole Larry Niven     mars (1), science fiction (1), mining (1), smuggling (1), asteroid belt (1)
1952-11-00 NOVEL English Empire of Chaos Kenneth Bulmer     interplanetary adventure (1), space pirates (1), smuggling (1)
1932-02-00 SHORTFICTION English The Space Rover Edwin K. Sloat     space pirate (1), Callisto (1), space patrol (1), smuggling (1), disintegrator rays (1), Martians (1), Venusians (1)
1930-12-00 SHORTFICTION English The Sea Terror S. P. Meek     sea monsters (1), heists (1), monsters (1), biology (1), smuggling (1), bathyspheres (1), vitrilene (1), materials science (1), science fiction (1), contemporary (1), glass (1), sea (1), diving (1), Ivan Saranoff (1), mad scientist (1), theft (1)
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