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Titles marked with tag biotechnology

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ErsatzCulture (3) , Ahasuerus (2) , Stonecreek (2) , BenFPrishpreed (2) , Stodavr (2) , PeteYoung (1)

Titles Marked With This Tag:

Date Type Language Title Authors Parent Title Parent Authors Tags
2022-05-19 SHORTFICTION German Schwierige Geburt Jens Lubbadeh     biotechnology (1), gender bending (1)
2019-06-00 SHORTFICTION English Between the Dark and the Dark Deji Bryce Olukotun     science fiction (1), space travel (1), biotechnology (1)
2013-01-24 NOVEL English Night of the Fete V. S. Rose     fantasy (1), biotechnology (1)
2012-12-18 NOVEL English Nexus Ramez Naam     science fiction (2), biotechnology (1), near future (1), nanotechnology (1), augmented reality (1)
2007-07-00 SHORTFICTION English The Immortals of Atlantis Brian Stableford     Atlantis (2), science fiction (1), biotechnology (1), resurrection (1)
1994-10-00 SHORTFICTION English Les Fleurs Du Mal Brian Stableford     science fiction (1), biotechnology (1), genetic engineering (1), mystery (1), murder (1), cloning (1), biological weapons (1), aging (1), art (1)
1994-09-00 SHORTFICTION English The Tree of Life Brian Stableford     biotechnology (1)
1993-12-00 SHORTFICTION English Chaff Greg Egan     biotechnology (2), drugs (2), science fiction (2), drug cartels (1), scientist (1), brain enhancement (1), brain modification (1), secret agent (1), war on drugs (1), drug use (1), Amazon jungle (1), Amazon (1), Colombia (1), South America (1), assassin (1), genetic engineering (1), Latin America (1), drug trafficking (1)
1989-05-00 SHORTFICTION English The Cutie Greg Egan     biotechnology (1), gender bending (1)
1983-09-00 NOVEL English The Crucible of Time John Brunner     aliens (2), science fiction (2), societal collapse (1), multiple time periods (1), scientific progress (1), astronomy (1), plague (1), alien protagonist (1), biotechnology (1), scientists (1)
1980-04-00 SHORTFICTION German Yeti Wolfgang Jeschke     satire (1), biotechnology (1), mountain climbing (1), yetis (1)
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