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Titles marked with tag archaeology

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Titles Marked With This Tag:

Date Type Language Title Authors Parent Title Parent Authors Tags
2019-07-02 NOVEL English Alpha and Omega Harry Turtledove     near future (1), thriller (1), end times (1), nuclear war (1), archaeology (1), religion (1), Israel (1)
2019-05-07 SHORTFICTION English Omphalos Ted Chiang     archaeology (1), religious faith (1), religion (1), young-earth (1), creationism (1)
2018-10-02 NOVEL English The Antiquities Hunter Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff     archaeology (1), adventure (1), strong female character (1), female main character (1), female protagonist (1), mystery (1), detective (1)
2017-10-12 NOVEL English Genome A. G. Riddle     science fiction (1), near future (1), thriller (1), quantum entanglement (1), paramilitary (1), intrigue (1), pandemic (1), cabal (1), brothers (1), mother-daughter (1), nanobots (1), simulation (1), secrets of universe (1), evolution (1), archaeology (1), Superconducting Super Collider (1)
2013-06-00 SHORTFICTION English A Good Thing and a Right Thing Camille Alexa     archaeology (1), timeslip (1), horror (1)
2011-01-25 NOVEL English Bow Tie W. J. Cherf     science fiction (1), historical fiction (1), ancient egypt (1), Egyptology (1), time travel (1), archaeology (1), philology (1)
2010-00-00 SHORTFICTION English Beneath Us Adam McOmber     ghosts (1), archaeology (1)
2010-11-02 NOVEL English Echo Jack McDevitt     science fiction (1), cliffhangers (1), screw the prime directive (1), assassins (1), asteroid collision (1), tourism (1), lost colony (1), aliens (1), archaeology (1), parallel evolution (1)
2010-12-00 NOVEL English The Bards of Bone Plain Patricia A. McKillip     fantasy (1), bards (1), music (1), archaeology (1)
2006-07-00 NOVEL English Destiny Mel Odom     supernatural thriller (1), charms (1), occultism (1), monk (1), monsters (1), archaeology (1), journalist (1)
2001-09-00 NOVEL English The Sands of Time Michael Hoeye     mystery (2), young-adult fantasy (1), mice (1), archaeology (1), detective (1)
2000-03-00 NOVEL English Revelation Space Alastair Reynolds     space opera (1), nanotechnology (1), war with machines (1), science fiction (1), far future (1), hard sf (1), first contact (1), archaeology (1)
2000-03-00 NOVEL English The Light of Other Days Stephen Baxter and Arthur C. Clarke     wormholes (2), comet impact (2), privacy (2), Seattle (2), surveillance (2), virtual reality (2), time viewer (2), science fiction (2), jesus (1), social change (1), sea level rise (1), Ludwig van Beethoven (1), Ötzi (1), Pierre de Fermat (1), William Shakespeare (1), Christopher Columbus (1), Moses (1), viewing of past (1), Albert Einstein (1), global computer network search engine (1), Abraham Lincoln (1), Crusades (1), music (1), American civil war (1), drought (1), journalists (1), past viewer (1), billionaire (1), comet collision (1), comet (1), near future (1), remote surveillance (1), brothers (1), half-sister (1), time viewing (1), father and son (1), father and sons (1), viewing the past (1), amoral billionaire (1), journalist (1), wormhole (1), brain implant (1), FBI (1), past time viewer (1), past/future viewer (1), view past/future (1), comet-caused disaster (1), climate change (1), set in 2040s (1), set in 2030s (1), storms (1), nuclear waste (1), shared mind (1), mind control (1), artificial intelligence (1), antigravity (1), electromagnetic pulse (1), set in 2080s (1), cloning (1), extinction (1), tigers (1), tattoos (1), invention (1), religion (1), resurrection (1), weather control (1), hard sf (1), africa (1), evolution (1), physicists (1), invisibility (1), torture (1), war (1), psychologists (1), hominins (1), genealogy (1), mathematics (1), archaeology (1), Rome (1), Uzbekistan (1), United Kingdom (1), antarctica (1), russia (1), london (1), nanotechnology (1), set in 22nd century (1)
1999-11-00 NOVEL English Timeline Michael Crichton     time travel (3), into-movie (2), science fiction (2), medieval (1), France (1), New Mexico (1), archaeology (1), historian (1), into-video game (1), chivalry (1), self-sacrifice (1)
1999-08-00 NOVEL English World's End Mark Chadbourn     fantasy (1), archaeology (1), gods (1), survival (1)
1998-03-00 SHORTFICTION English The Mercy Gate Mark J. McGarry     science fiction (1), genocide (1), aliens (1), race war (1), teleportation (1), souls (1), shape-shifting (1), Shape-shifters (1), archaeology (1), Archaeologists (1)
1996-12-00 SHORTFICTION English There Is a Violence Sally McBride     first person point of view (1), alien artifacts (1), archaeology (1), female protagonist (1), family (1), alien psychology (1), torture (1), repatriation (1), collector (1)
1994-00-00 NOVEL English A Whisper of Time Paula King     science fiction (1), archaeology (1), aliens (1), first contact (1)
1993-11-00 NOVEL English Fossil Hal Clement     science fiction (1), tidal locking (1), cold (1), aliens (1), archaeology (1), paleontology (1), sports (1), low gravity (1)
1991-02-00 NOVEL English Ecce and Old Earth Jack Vance     revenge (1), crime (1), ecology (1), science fiction (1), Earth (1), library (1), quest (1), archaeology (1), strong female characters (1)
1991-11-00 SHORTFICTION English The Ragthorn Robert Holdstock and Garry Kilworth     horror (1), resurrection (1), archaeology (1)
1991-11-00 SHORTFICTION English Vinland the Dream Kim Stanley Robinson     science fiction (1), archaeology (1), vikings (1), Vinland (1), hoaxes (1), forgeries (1)
1990-06-00 NOVEL English Nightfall Isaac Asimov and Robert Silverberg     science fiction (1), religion (1), archaeology (1), multiple star system (1), eclipse (1), astronomers (1), insanity (1), fire (1)
1986-00-00 NOVEL English Second Genesis Donald Moffitt     music (1), rats (1), Greater Magellanic Cloud (1), Geology (1), first contact (1), interstellar travel (1), black hole (1), Delta Pavonis (1), Earth (1), dyson sphere (1), evolution (1), space travel (1), mega-engineering (1), nanotechnology (1), insects (1), far future (1), genetic engineering (1), mega-flora (1), rejuvenation (1), immortality (1), intergalactic travel (1), archaeology (1), primates (1), aliens (1), time dilation (1)
1985-03-00 SHORTFICTION English The Curse of Kings Connie Willis     science fiction (1), journalism (1), reporter (1), journalist (1), archaeology (1), aliens (1), alien conquest (1), political intrigue (1), poison (1), body horror (1), in medias res (1)
1980-04-00 SHORTFICTION English Grotto of the Dancing Deer Clifford D. Simak     immortality (1), Basque (1), cave paintings (1), paleontology (1), bone flute (1), loneliness (1), contemporary (1), only Earth (1), only humans (1), science fiction (1), archaeology (1), France (1), Artists (1)
1979-10-00 SHORTFICTION English Motel of the Mysteries David Macaulay     science fiction (1), archaeology (1), television (1), set in 4000s (1), humor (1)
1976-02-00 NOVEL English Triton Samuel R. Delany     Earth (1), holography (1), archaeology (1), Mongolia (1), drugs (1), clothes (1), elegance (1), neurosis (1), street theater (1), acrobats (1), nudity (1), games (1), food (1), interplanetary war (1), interplanetary travel (1), transgender (1), mars (1), Ganymede (1), Triton (1), gravity control (1), politics (1), interrogation (1), surveillance (1), nonconformity (1), prostitution (1), etiquette (1), sculpture (1), restaurant (1), science fiction (1), gay (1)
1974-11-00 NOVEL English The Mote in God's Eye Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle     first contact (2), space opera (2), force fields (1), set in 3000s (1), coffee (1), collapse of civilization (1), asteroids (1), life cycle (1), interstellar war (1), alcohol (1), Chocolate (1), computers (1), solar sails (1), evolution (1), cyborgs (1), archaeology (1), reproduction (1), diplomacy (1), faster than light travel (1), science fiction (1), concentration camp (1), military sf (1), holography (1), biologists (1), astronomers (1), genetic engineering (1), insanity (1), fatalism (1), lost colony (1), lasers (1), rebellion (1), art (1), museum (1), aliens (1), zoo (1), scientists (1), religion (1), interstellar travel (1)
1974-05-00 NOVEL English Total Eclipse John Brunner     linguistics (1), lie detector (1), interstellar travel (1), astronomy (1), archaeology (1), aliens (1), Sigma Draconis (1), science fiction (1), paranoia (1), genius (1), xenobiology (1), alien perspective (1), hypnosis (1), extinction (1)
1970-08-00 SHORTFICTION English Beastchild Dean R. Koontz     science fiction (1), aliens (1), alien invasion (1), archaeology (1), genocide (1)
1970-06-00 SHORTFICTION English Continued on Next Rock R. A. Lafferty     Geology (1), science fiction (1), archaeology (1)
1969-00-00 NOVEL English Across a Billion Years Robert Silverberg     dyson sphere (1), young-adult sf (1), interstellar travel (1), alien artifacts (1), science fiction (1), archaeology (1), telepathy (1), first person point of view (1), coming of age (1)
1966-02-00 SHORTFICTION English Eye of an Octopus Larry Niven     science fiction (1), mars (1), Martians (1), archaeology (1), exploration (1), convergent evolution (1), diamond (1)
1963-08-00 SHORTFICTION English Babylon: 70 M. Donald A. Wollheim     candle (1), nursery rhyme (1), dragon (1), magic (1), decorated urn (1), babylon (1), contemporary (1), archaeology (1), magical travel (1)
1960-00-00 CHAPBOOK English The Weans Robert Nathan     archaeology (1), science fiction (1)
1958-06-00 SHORTFICTION English No Connections Randall Garrett     archaeology (1), artifact (1)
1958-11-00 SHORTFICTION English Ozymandias Robert Silverberg     science fiction (1), interstellar travel (1), archaeology (1)
1957-02-00 SHORTFICTION English Omnilingual H. Beam Piper     Librivox (1), linguistics (1), mars (1), archaeology (1), chemistry (1)
1956-11-00 SHORTFICTION English Digging the Weans Robert Nathan     archaeology (1), science fiction (1), humor (1), United States (1)
1952-05-00 SHORTFICTION English In-Group L. Sprague de Camp     science fiction (1), archaeology (1), aliens (1), treasure hunters (1)
1951-08-30 COLLECTION English Foundation Isaac Asimov     archaeology (1), surveillance (1), world city (1), nuclear power (1), nuclear weapons (1), scientists (1), transmutation (1), symbolic logic (1), gold (1), courtroom drama (1), time capsule (1), force fields (1), hyperwave (1), diplomacy (1), ray guns (1), iron (1), interstellar trade (1), empire (1), computers (1), encyclopedia (1), mathematics (1), interstellar travel (1), antigravity (1), 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die (1), Les 100 principaux titres de la science-fiction (1), religion (1), hard sf (1), science fiction (1), Abebooks: 50 Essential SF Books (1), Fix up (1), galactic empire (1), space opera (1), psychohistory (1)
1950-10-00 SHORTFICTION English Later Than You Think Fritz Leiber     archaeology (1)
1950-10-00 SHORTFICTION English Seven Came Back Clifford D. Simak     Alternate World (1), exploration (1), archaeology (1), extinction (1), multiple sexes (1), science fiction (1), mars (1), aliens (1), betrayal (1), trust (1), fur (1), telepathy (1)
1948-06-00 SHORTFICTION English No Connection Isaac Asimov     apes (1), bears (1), far future (1), science fiction (1), nuclear weapons (1), archaeology (1)
1947-00-00 NOVEL English Zotz! Walter Karig     paranormal powers (1), religion (1), archaeology (1), United States (1), world war ii (1)
1943-11-00 SHORTFICTION English Death Sentence Isaac Asimov     Arcturus (1), science fiction (1), psychohistory (1), robots (1), interstellar empire (1), aliens (1), archaeology (1), androids (1), albinos (1), Earth (1)
1941-09-00 SHORTFICTION English Nightfall Isaac Asimov     X Minus 1 (2), People (1), Dimension X (1), not earth (1), collapse of civilization (1), mass hysteria (1), psychologist (1), journalist (1), astronomy (1), eclipse (1), into-radio (1), into-movie (1), religion (1), archaeology (1), alien planet (1), multi-sun system (1), scientific research (1), folklore (1), history (1), societal collapse (1), mass psychosis (1), cult (1), cultural decline (1), science fiction (1)
1936-02-00 NOVEL English At the Mountains of Madness H. P. Lovecraft     horror (2), Cthulhu Mythos (2), paleontology (2), cosmic horror (2), antarctica (2), first person point of view (2), aliens (2), insanity (1), ancient aliens (1), exploration (1), continental drift (1), into-graphic novel (1), set in 1930s (1), science fiction (1), weird (1), aliens on Earth (1), ruins (1), Geology (1), underground sea (1), archaeology (1), geologist (1), into-music (1), into-video game (1), BLEILER: Abominable snowmen (1), 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die (1), NESFA Core Reading List (1), Fantasy: The 100 Best Books (1), The 5-Parsec Shelf (1), Anatomy of Wonder 1 Core Collection (1), cold (1)
1934-04-00 SHORTFICTION English The God-Box Howard Wandrei     space transport (1), far vision (1), past vision (1), matter transmission (1), archaeology (1)
1930-00-00 NOVEL English Gladiator Philip Wylie     science fiction (1), Librivox (1), invention (1), enhanced strength (1), Colorado (1), torture (1), archaeology (1), into-movie (1), super man (1), superstrength (1)
1924-11-00 SHORTFICTION English The Temple E. F. Benson     archaeology (1), first person point of view (1), henge (1), Cornwall (1), suicide (1), haunting (1), horror (1)
1901-01-12 SHORTFICTION English A Relic of the Pliocene Jack London     explorer (1), mamooth (1), archaeology (1), mammoth (1), science fiction (1)
1892-11-28 SHORTFICTION English Pallinghurst Barrow Grant Allen     folklore (1), archaeology (1), horror (1), September (1)
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