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Titles marked with tag extrasolar planet

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Titles Marked With This Tag:

Date Type Language Title Authors Parent Title Parent Authors Tags
2019-08-08 SHORTFICTION English To Be Taught, If Fortunate Becky Chambers     science fiction (2), crowdfunding (1), interstellar exploration (1), space exploration (1), planetary exploration (1), interplanetary exploration (1), extrasolar planet (1), genetic manipulation (1), genetically enhanced humans (1), privately funded spaceflight (1), water world (1), tidal locking (1)
1998-00-00 CHAPBOOK Spanish Hercólubus o planeta rojo
V. M. Rabolú?V. M. Rabolu
    extrasolar planet (1), Atlantis (1)
1981-11-23 SHORTFICTION English Mud/Aurora D. D. Storm     Linguistic experimentation (1), Experimental language (1), only aliens (1), first person point of view (1), alien point of view (1), marriage (1), psychology (1), extrasolar planet (1), science fiction (1)
1964-02-00 NOVEL English The Wanderer Fritz Leiber     first contact (1), Anatomy of Wonder 1 Core Collection (1), SF: The 100 Best Novels 1949-1984 (1), science fiction (1), moon (1), extrasolar planet (1), aliens (1), tsunami (1), england (1), Florida (1), New York City (1), Atlantic Ocean (1)
1934-00-00 NOVEL English After Worlds Collide Edwin Balmer and Philip Wylie     science fiction (1), domed cities (1), alien artifacts (1), colonization (1), disease (1), extrasolar planet (1), NESFA Core Reading List (1)
1933-00-00 NOVEL English When Worlds Collide Edwin Balmer and Philip Wylie     natural disaster (1), science fiction (1), Abebooks: 50 Essential SF Books (1), into-movie (1), end of the world (1), astronomy (1), scientists (1), tsunami (1), earthquakes (1), United States (1), alien artifacts (1), into-music (1), extrasolar planet (1), NESFA Core Reading List (1)
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