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Title: O segredo

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Title: O segredo Title Record # 2717090
Author: Wilmar Shiras
Date: 1978-03-00
Variant Title of: In Hiding [English] (1948) (by Wilmar H. Shiras) [may list more publications, awards, reviews, votes and covers]
Length: novelette
Series: Children of the Atom
Language: Portuguese
Note: Translated by Rita O'Neill and/or Armando Coelho Almeida Santos
User Rating: This title has no votes. VOTE
Current Tags: psychiatrist (1), enhanced intelligence (1), mutants (1), science fiction (1), children (1), NESFA Core Reading List (1), gifted child (1), psychology (1), psychologist (1)


Title Date Author/Editor Publisher/Pub. Series ISBN/Catalog ID Price Pages Format Type Cover Artist Verif
Alguns dos Melhores Contos de Ficção Científica 1978-00-00 ed. Romeu de Melo Moraes Editores     234
A5?14.8 cm by 21 cm or 5.8" by 8.3" magazine, used by some UK and European magazines
anth Luís Duran Checkmark
Alguns do melhores contos de ficção científica?Alguns do melhores contos de ficcao cientifica
1978-03-00 ed. Romeu de Melo Moraes Editores (Aventura Interior #4)     234
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Luís Duran Checkmark
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