Title: El haya de los judíos
Title Record # 3124352
Date: 1958-00-00
Variant Title of: Die Judenbuche [German] (1842) (by
Type: SHORTFICTION [non-genre]
Length: novelette
Language: Spanish
Current Tags: None
Annette Freiin von Droste-Hülshoff?Annette Freiin von Droste-Huelshoff
Date: 1958-00-00
Variant Title of: Die Judenbuche [German] (1842) (by
Annette von Droste-Hülshoff?Annette von Droste-Huelshoff
[may list more publications, awards, reviews, votes and covers]
Type: SHORTFICTION [non-genre]
Length: novelette
Language: Spanish
Note: Translated by an unknown hand
User Rating:
This title has no votes.
Current Tags: None
Title | Date | Author/Editor | Publisher/Pub. Series | ISBN/Catalog ID | Price | Pages | Format | Type | Cover Artist | Verif |
Antología de cuentos de misterio y terror | 1958-00-00 | ed. Juan José López Ibor | Editorial Labor (Grandes Antologías Labor) |
xxxi+ 1319+ [5] |
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size. |
anth |