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Title: The Blue Giraffe

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Title: The Blue Giraffe Title Record # 41593
Author: L. Sprague de Camp
Date: 1939-08-00
Length: novelette
Language: English
Synopsis: In 1976, an Englishman is taken to an African wildlife preserve to witness a series of inexplicable animal mutations threatening the wildlife.
User Rating: 7.40 (5 votes) Your vote: Not cast VOTE
Current Tags: science fiction (1), NESFA Core Reading List (1), africa (1), jungle (1), mutants (1), ecology (1) Add Tags

Other Titles

Year Language Title
1952 Italian La giraffa azzurra
1954 French La girafe bleue
1973Translated by Maria Silva
Italian La giraffa azzurra
1974Translated by Yoma Cap
German Die blaue Giraffe
1980Translated by Gaetano La Pira
Italian La giraffa blu
1982Translated by Kurt Mahr (under his legal name Klaus Mahn)
German Die blaue Giraffe
1984Translated by Irene Holicki as an apparent new translation. DON'T MERGE with other translation.
German Die blaue Giraffe


Displaying all variants and translations • Do not display translationsDo not display variants or translations

Title Date Author/Editor Publisher/Pub. Series ISBN/Catalog ID Price Pages Format Type Cover Artist Verif
Astounding Science-Fiction, August 1939 1939-08-00 ed. John W. Campbell, Jr. Street & Smith Publications, Inc.  
$0.20?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pulp?Magazine using the common pulp size: 6.5" by 9.5". For ISFDB purposes this may also be used as a designation for the quality of the paper. There are some untrimmed pulps that are as large as 8" by 11.75
mag Virgil Finlay Checkmark
Astounding Science-Fiction, August 1939 1939-08-00 ed. John W. Campbell, Jr. Atlas Publishing and Distribution Co. Ltd  
-/6?Prior to decimilisation (1968-1971), UK books were priced in shillings, or shillings and pence, where 20 shillings equals one pound and 12 old pence equals one shilling. Shillings were indicated with a variety of suffixes, e.g. 3s, 3', 3", 3/ all mean 3 shillings. Any number after that is additional pence, usually 6 (half a shilling) but sometimes 3 or 9 (a quarter of a shilling or three-quarters of a shilling).
pulp?Magazine using the common pulp size: 6.5" by 9.5". For ISFDB purposes this may also be used as a designation for the quality of the paper. There are some untrimmed pulps that are as large as 8" by 11.75
Adventures in Time and Space 1946-00-00 ed. Raymond J. Healy, J. Francis McComas Random House  
$2.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
anth George Salter Checkmark
Adventures in Time and Space 1946-08-26 ed. Raymond J. Healy, J. Francis McComas Random House  
$2.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
anth George Salter Checkmark
World of Wonder 1951-08-00 ed. Fletcher Pratt Twayne Publishers  
$3.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
anth Herbstman Checkmark
World of Wonder 1951-10-00 ed. Fletcher Pratt Twayne Publishers  
$3.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
anth Herbstman Checkmark
Scienza Fantastica #3 1952-06-00 ed. Vittorio Kramer, Lionello Torossi Editrice Krator 3
Lit 130?Lit: Italian lira. ISO code: ITL in 1861-1999
digest?Digest-size magazine, including both standard digest size, at about 7" by 4.5", and also large digest, such as recent issues of Asimov's, which are about 8.25" by 5.125".
mag N. Benedettucci Checkmark
Adventures in Time and Space 1953-00-00 ed. Raymond J. Healy, J. Francis McComas Random House     xv+
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
Escales dans l'infini 1954-03-00 ed. Georges H. Gallet Hachette (Le Rayon Fantastique #26)     253
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth René Caillé Checkmark
Famous Science-Fiction Stories: Adventures in Time and Space 1957-00-00 ed. Raymond J. Healy, J. Francis McComas Modern Library (Modern Library Giant #31) G31
$2.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
anth Salter Checkmark
Famous Science-Fiction Stories: Adventures in Time and Space 1957-00-00 ed. Raymond J. Healy, J. Francis McComas Random House  
C$3.45?C$: Canadian dollar. ISO code: CAD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
The Science Fiction Bestiary 1971-00-00 ed. Robert Silverberg Thomas Nelson 0-8407-6172-4
$5.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
anth John R. Gibson Checkmark
The Science Fiction Bestiary 1971-00-00 ed. Robert Silverberg Thomas Nelson (Weekly Reader Book Club) 0-8407-6172-4   256
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
anth John R. Gibson Checkmark
The Science Fiction Bestiary 1973-03-00 ed. Robert Silverberg Thomas Nelson 0-8407-6172-4   256
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
anth John R. Gibson Checkmark
Androids, Time Machines and Blue Giraffes 1973-08-00 ed. Roger Elwood, Vic Ghidalia Follett Publishing Company 0-695-40369-9
$6.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
anth Franz Altschuler Checkmark
Zoo-fantascienza 1973-10-00 Inisero Cremaschi, Robert Silverberg Dall'Oglio (Andromeda (Dall'Oglio) #9) 01-0058-7
Lit 4,000?Lit: Italian lira. ISO code: ITL in 1861-1999
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
omni Dino Buzzati Checkmark
Menschen und andere Ungeheuer 1974-02-00 ed. Robert Silverberg Heyne (Heyne Science Fiction & Fantasy #3378) 3-453-30255-9
DM 2.80?DM: German (Deutsche) mark. ISO code: DEM in 1948-1999
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth C. A. M. Thole Checkmark
The Science Fiction Bestiary 1974-02-00 ed. Robert Silverberg Dell Laurel 8139
$0.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth Gervasio Gallardo Checkmark
The Science Fiction Bestiary 1974-02-00 ed. Robert Silverberg Dell Laurel 8139
$1.25?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth Gervasio Gallardo Checkmark
Adventures in Time and Space 1975-08-00 ed. Raymond J. Healy, J. Francis McComas Ballantine Books 0-345-25374-4
$4.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Checkmark
Adventures in Time and Space 1978-03-00 ed. Raymond J. Healy, J. Francis McComas Del Rey / Ballantine 0-345-27747-3
$6.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Checkmark
Adventures in Time and Space 1978-12-00 ed. Raymond J. Healy, J. Francis McComas Del Rey / Ballantine 0-345-28925-0
$9.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
The Great Science Fiction Stories Volume 1, 1939 1979-03-00 ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg DAW Books (DAW Collectors #329) 0-87997-454-0 / UE1454
$2.25?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth Jack Gaughan Checkmark
The Great Science Fiction Stories Volume 1, 1939 1979-03-00 ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg DAW Books 0-87997-454-0 / UE1454
C$2.50?C$: Canadian dollar. ISO code: CAD
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth Jack Gaughan Checkmark
Adventures in Time and Space 1979-12-00 ed. Raymond J. Healy, J. Francis McComas Del Rey / Ballantine 0-345-27747-3
$9.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Checkmark
Die besten Stories von 1939 1982-04-00 ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg Moewig (Playboy Science Fiction #6727) 3-8118-6727-X
DM 7.80?DM: German (Deutsche) mark. ISO code: DEM in 1948-1999
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth Segrelles Checkmark
Isaac Asimov Presents The Golden Years of Science Fiction 1983-00-00 ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg Bonanza Books / Crown Publishers 0-517-40147-9   432+
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
anth Romas Checkmark
Die Gebeine des Bertrand Russell 1984-03-00 ed. Wolfgang Jeschke Heyne (Heyne Science Fiction & Fantasy #4057) 3-453-31000-4
DM 9.80?DM: German (Deutsche) mark. ISO code: DEM in 1948-1999
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth Karel Thole Checkmark
Adventures in Time and Space 1990-08-00 ed. Raymond J. Healy, J. Francis McComas Random House / SFBC 17325
$14.98?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
anth Gary D. Lang Checkmark
Le grandi storie della fantascienza 1 1991-01-00 ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg Bompiani (I grandi tascabili Bompiani #97) 88-452-1342-0 / 191494
Lit 12,000?Lit: Italian lira. ISO code: ITL in 1861-1999
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Aurelia Raffo Checkmark
Great Science Fiction Stories of 1939 2001-00-00 ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Harry Greenberg Dorset Press 0-7607-2417-2
$9.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Tom McKeveny  
Adventures in Time and Space 2001-11-00 ed. Raymond J. Healy, J. Francis McComas Science Fiction Book Club 0-7394-2214-6 / 05417
$17.99?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
anth Gary D. Lang  
Le grandi storie della SF vol. 2 2007-02-00 ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg Mondadori (Urania Collezione #49) 49
€4.90?€: Euro. ISO code: EUR
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth Franco Brambilla  
An Anthropomorphic Century: Stories from 1909 to 2008 2015-09-24 ed. Fred Patten FurPlanet Productions 978-1-61450-244-9
$19.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Mark Brill Checkmark
The Phoenix Pick Anthology of Classic Science Fiction: Second Edition 2016-10-18 ed. Paul Cook Phoenix Pick 978-1-61242-301-2
$34.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
The Great Science Fiction Stories Volume 1, 1939 date unknown ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg DAW Books 0-87997-700-0 / UE1700
C$2.95?C$: Canadian dollar. ISO code: CAD
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth Jack Gaughan Checkmark
The Great Science Fiction Stories Volume 1, 1939 date unknown ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg DAW Books (DAW Collectors #329) 0-87997-454-0 / UE1454
$2.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth Checkmark
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