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Title: Herbert West: Reanimator

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Title: Herbert West: Reanimator Title Record # 41885
Author: H. P. Lovecraft
Date: 1943-00-00
Length: novelette
Series: Herbert West: Reanimator Universe
Webpages:, Wikipedia-EN
Language: English
  • Written in October 1921 to June 1922 and first published in the February through July 1922 issues of the amateur publication Home Brew.
  • Written to order for another party (source: Introduction by August Derleth for the Arkham House editions of Dagon and Other Macabre Tales.)
Synopsis: The narrator recounts several horrific vignettes which occurred during his assistance to Dr. Herbert West in experimenting with reanimation of dead humans, from the earliest experiments to the death of Dr. West.
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Other Titles

Variant Titles Translations Serializations Translated Serializations
Year Title
Herbert West—Reanimator?Herbert West-Reanimator
1991 Re-Animator: Tales of Herbert West
1994 The Reanimator
Herbert West—Re-animator?Herbert West-Re-animator
Herbert West—Reanimator [2]?Herbert West-Reanimator [2]
Herbert West—Reanimator [3]?Herbert West-Reanimator [3]
2014 Herbert West: Reanimator [as by Howard Phillips Lovecraft]
2018 Herbert West, Reanimator
Year Language Title
1969Translated by Paule Pérez.
French Herbert West, réanimateur
1973Translated by Charlotte Gräfin von Klinckowstroem
Herbert West — der Wiedererwecker?Herbert West - der Wiedererwecker
1978Translated by Rudolf Mühlstrasser.
German Die Experimente des Herbert West
1980Translated by Maria Luisa Bonfanti
Italian Herbert West, rianimatore
1988Translated by Kari Nenonen
Herbert West – elvyttäjä?Herbert West - elvyttaejea
Herbert West - elvyttaja
1989Translated by Giuseppe Lippi
Italian Herbert West, rianimatore
2005Translated by José María Nebreda
Spanish Herbert West, reanimador: Desde la oscuridad [as by Howard Phillips Lovecraft]
2006Translated by Andreas Diesel
Herbert West – Reanimator?Herbert West - Reanimator
[as by Howard Phillips Lovecraft]
2008Translated by Isabel Rocha
Portuguese Herbert West: Reanimador
2011 Translated by Andreas Diesel Translation first published in 2006 as by Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Herbert West – Reanimator?Herbert West - Reanimator
2017Translated by Andreas Fliedner
German Herbert West, Wiedererwecker
2019 Translated by Andreas Diesel Translation first published in 2006 as Herbert West – Reanimator
German Re-Animator
2021Translated by Francisco Innocêncio
Portuguese Herbert West: Reanimador .
2021Translated by David Camus
French Herbert West: Réanimateur [as by Howard Phillips Lovecraft]
Year Title
1922 From the Dark
1922 The Plague Demon
1922 Six Shots by Moonlight
1922 The Scream of the Dead
1922 The Horror from the Shadows
1922 The Tomb-Legions
1942 Herbert West: Reanimator (part 1 of 6)
1942 Herbert West: Reanimator (part 2 of 6)
1942 Herbert West: Reanimator (part 3 of 6)
1942 Herbert West: Reanimator (part 4 of 6)
1943 Herbert West: Reanimator (part 5 of 6)
1943 Herbert West: Reanimator (part 6 of 6)
Year Language Title
2004Translated by León Arsenal
Spanish Herbert West, reanimador (Part 3 of 6)
2005Translated by León Arsenal.
Spanish Herbert West, reanimador (Part 4 of 6)


Displaying all variants and translations • Do not display translationsDo not display variants or translations

Title Date Author/Editor Publisher/Pub. Series ISBN/Catalog ID Price Pages Format Type Cover Artist Verif
Home Brew, February 1922 1922-02-00 ed. Editors of Home Brew George J. Houtain  
$0.25?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
unknown?The publication record was created from a secondary source and the publication format is unknown.
Home Brew, March 1922 1922-03-00 ed. Editors of Home Brew George J. Houtain  
$0.25?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
unknown?The publication record was created from a secondary source and the publication format is unknown.
Home Brew, April 1922 1922-04-00 ed. Editors of Home Brew George J. Houtain  
$0.25?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
unknown?The publication record was created from a secondary source and the publication format is unknown.
Home Brew, May 1922 1922-05-00 ed. Editors of Home Brew George J. Houtain  
$0.25?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
unknown?The publication record was created from a secondary source and the publication format is unknown.
Home Brew, June 1922 1922-06-00 ed. Editors of Home Brew George J. Houtain  
$0.25?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
unknown?The publication record was created from a secondary source and the publication format is unknown.
Home Brew, July 1922 1922-07-00 ed. Editors of Home Brew George J. Houtain  
$0.25?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
unknown?The publication record was created from a secondary source and the publication format is unknown.
Weird Tales, March 1942 1942-03-00 ed. D. McIlwraith Weird Tales  
$0.15?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pulp?Magazine using the common pulp size: 6.5" by 9.5". For ISFDB purposes this may also be used as a designation for the quality of the paper. There are some untrimmed pulps that are as large as 8" by 11.75
mag Hannes Bok Checkmark
Weird Tales, July 1942 1942-07-00 ed. D. McIlwraith Weird Tales  
$0.15?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pulp?Magazine using the common pulp size: 6.5" by 9.5". For ISFDB purposes this may also be used as a designation for the quality of the paper. There are some untrimmed pulps that are as large as 8" by 11.75
mag Margaret Brundage Checkmark
Weird Tales, September 1942 1942-09-00 ed. D. McIlwraith Weird Tales  
$0.15?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pulp?Magazine using the common pulp size: 6.5" by 9.5". For ISFDB purposes this may also be used as a designation for the quality of the paper. There are some untrimmed pulps that are as large as 8" by 11.75
mag A. R. Tilburn Checkmark
Weird Tales, November 1942 1942-11-00 ed. D. McIlwraith Weird Tales  
$0.15?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pulp?Magazine using the common pulp size: 6.5" by 9.5". For ISFDB purposes this may also be used as a designation for the quality of the paper. There are some untrimmed pulps that are as large as 8" by 11.75
mag Richard Bennett Checkmark
Beyond the Wall of Sleep 1943-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Arkham House (H.P. Lovecraft Trilogy #2)  
$5.00?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
coll Burt Trimpey , Clark Ashton Smith Checkmark
Weird Tales, September 1943 1943-09-00 ed. D. McIlwraith Weird Tales  
$0.15?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pulp?Magazine using the common pulp size: 6.5" by 9.5". For ISFDB purposes this may also be used as a designation for the quality of the paper. There are some untrimmed pulps that are as large as 8" by 11.75
mag A. R. Tilburne Checkmark
Weird Tales, November 1943 1943-11-00 ed. D. McIlwraith Weird Tales  
$0.15?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pulp?Magazine using the common pulp size: 6.5" by 9.5". For ISFDB purposes this may also be used as a designation for the quality of the paper. There are some untrimmed pulps that are as large as 8" by 11.75
mag A. R. Tilburne Checkmark
Dagon and Other Macabre Tales 1965-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Arkham House  
$6.50?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
coll Lee Brown Coye Checkmark
Dagon and Other Macabre Tales 1967-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Gollancz  
30/-?Prior to decimilisation (1968-1971), UK books were priced in shillings, or shillings and pence, where 20 shillings equals one pound and 12 old pence equals one shilling. Shillings were indicated with a variety of suffixes, e.g. 3s, 3', 3", 3/ all mean 3 shillings. Any number after that is additional pence, usually 6 (half a shilling) but sometimes 3 or 9 (a quarter of a shilling or three-quarters of a shilling).
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
Dagon and Other Macabre Tales 1969-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Arkham House  
$7.50?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
coll Lee Brown Coye  
Dagon and Other Macabre Tales 1969-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Panther 0-586-02866-8
£0.30?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
coll Checkmark
Dagon and Other Macabre Tales 1969-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Panther 0-586-02866-8
£0.30?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
coll Checkmark
Dagon et autres récits de terreur 1969-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Belfond (Domaine fantastique)  
F26.00?F: French frank. ISO code: FRF in 1960-1999
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
Dagon and Other Macabre Tales 1971-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Arkham House  
$7.50?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
coll Lee Brown Coye  
Dagon et autres récits de terreur 1972-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft J'ai Lu (J'ai Lu - Science Fiction #459)     434
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
coll Tibor Csernus Checkmark
Dagon and Other Macabre Tales 1973-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Panther 0-586-02866-8
£0.35?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
coll Bob Haberfield Checkmark
Dagon et autres récits de terreur 1973-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft J'ai Lu (J'ai Lu - Science Fiction #459)     431
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
coll Tibor Csernus  
Stadt ohne Namen 1973-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Insel (Bibliothek des Hauses Usher) 3-458-05819-2
DM 14.50?DM: German (Deutsche) mark. ISO code: DEM in 1948-1999
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
coll Hans Ulrich Osterwalder , Ute Osterwalder  
The Monster Makers 1974-05-00 ed. Peter Haining Gollancz 0-575-01729-5
£1.80?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
anth David Smee  
The Monster Makers: Creators and Creations of Fantasy and Horror 1974-09-00 ed. Peter Haining Taplinger 0-8008-5324-5
$7.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
anth Checkmark
Dagon and Other Macabre Tales 1975-11-00 H. P. Lovecraft Arkham House None
$7.50?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
coll Lee Brown Coye Checkmark
Herbert West Reanimator 1977-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Necronomicon Press  
$3.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
ph?Pamphlet. Used for short (in page count), unbound, staple-bound, or otherwise lightly bound publications.
The Rivals of Frankenstein: A Gallery of Monsters 1977-00-00 ed. Michel Parry Corgi Books 0-552-10465-5
£0.70?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth John Holmes Checkmark
Dagon et autres récits de terreur 1978-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft J'ai Lu (J'ai Lu - Science Fiction #459)     431
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
coll Philippe Druillet  
Frankensteins Rivalen 1978-10-10 ed. Michel Parry Pabel (Vampir Taschenbuch #66) VTB66
DM 3.80?DM: German (Deutsche) mark. ISO code: DEM in 1948-1999
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth Tony Masero Checkmark
The Rivals of Frankenstein: A Gallery of Monsters 1980-00-00 ed. Michel Parry Barnes & Noble Books 0-06-465105-3
$1.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth Fred Charles Checkmark
The Thirteenth Fontana Book of Great Horror Stories 1980-00-00 ed. Mary Danby Fontana 0-00-615848-X
£0.80?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
I mostri all'angolo della strada 1980-10-06 H. P. Lovecraft Mondadori (Oscar #1226) 18508-2
Lit 4,000?Lit: Italian lira. ISO code: ITL in 1861-1999
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
coll Karel Thole Checkmark
Stadt ohne Namen 1981-06-00 H. P. Lovecraft Suhrkamp (Phantastische Bibliothek #52) 3-518-37194-0
DM 8.00?DM: German (Deutsche) mark. ISO code: DEM in 1948-1999
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
coll Thomas Franke  
Dagon et autres récits de terreur 1982-12-00 H. P. Lovecraft J'ai Lu (J'ai Lu - Science Fiction #459) 2-277-12459-1   431
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
coll Philippe Druillet  
Stadt ohne Namen 1984-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Suhrkamp (Phantastische Bibliothek #52) 3-518-37194-0
DM 10.00?DM: German (Deutsche) mark. ISO code: DEM in 1948-1999
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
coll Thomas Franke Checkmark
Dagon et autres récits de terreur 1984-02-20 H. P. Lovecraft J'ai Lu (J'ai Lu - Science Fiction #459) 2-277-12459-1   431
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
coll Philippe Druillet  
Herbert West Reanimator 1985-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Necronomicon Press     31
ph?Pamphlet. Used for short (in page count), unbound, staple-bound, or otherwise lightly bound publications.
chap Robert H. Knox  
The H. P. Lovecraft Omnibus 2: Dagon and Other Macabre Tales 1985-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Panther 0-586-06324-2
£2.95?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
coll Tim White Checkmark
Dagon and Other Macabre Tales 1987-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Arkham House 0-87054-039-4   lii+
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
coll Raymond Bayless  
The H. P. Lovecraft Omnibus 2: Dagon and Other Macabre Tales 1987-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Grafton 0-586-06324-2
£3.50?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
coll Tim White  
Dagon and Other Macabre Tales 1987-01-00 H. P. Lovecraft Arkham House 0-87054-039-4
$18.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
coll Raymond Bayless Checkmark
Cinemonsters 1987-11-00 ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Frank D. McSherry, Jr., Charles G. Waugh TSR 0-88038-504-9
$7.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Jeff Easley Checkmark
Dagon et autres récits de terreur 1989-03-00 H. P. Lovecraft J'ai Lu (J'ai Lu - Science Fiction #459) 2-277-12459-1   431
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
coll Philippe Druillet  
Tutti i racconti 1897-1922 1989-06-00 H. P. Lovecraft Mondadori (Oscar #2136) 88-04-32094-X
Lit 10,000?Lit: Italian lira. ISO code: ITL in 1861-1999
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
coll Karel Thole  
Intensive Scare 1990-01-00 ed. Karl Edward Wagner DAW Books (DAW Collectors #805) 0-88677-402-0
$3.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth J. K. Potter Checkmark
New England Ghosts: Haunting, Spine-chilling Stories from the New England States 1990-10-00 ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Frank D. McSherry, Jr., Charles G. Waugh Rutledge Hill Press (The American Ghosts Series) 1-55853-090-8
$9.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Harriette Bateman Checkmark
Dagon and Other Macabre Tales 1991-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Arkham House 0-87054-039-4
$19.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
coll Raymond Bayless  
Re-Animator: Tales of Herbert West 1991-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Malibu Graphics 1-56398-027-4   48
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
Great American Ghost Stories 1991-11-00 ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Frank D. McSherry, Jr., Charles G. Waugh Rutledge Hill Press 1-55853-146-7
$21.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
anth Timothy Holland  
Great American Ghost Stories: Volume One 1992-10-00 ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Frank D. McSherry, Jr., Charles G. Waugh Berkley Books 0-425-13470-9
$4.99?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth Barrall  
Dagon et autres récits de terreur 1992-12-00 H. P. Lovecraft J'ai Lu (J'ai Lu - Science Fiction #459) 2-277-12459-1   431
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
coll Philippe Druillet  
Crawling Chaos 1993-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Creation Books 1-871592-18-6
£9.95?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
coll Robert Taylor (artist) Checkmark
The Mammoth Book of Zombies 1993-00-00 ed. Stephen Jones Robinson 1-85487-228-1
£5.99?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Luis Rey Checkmark
Dagon et autres récits de terreur 1993-04-00 H. P. Lovecraft J'ai Lu (J'ai Lu - Science Fiction #459) 2-277-12459-1   431
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
coll Philippe Druillet  
The Mammoth Book of Zombies 1993-11-00 ed. Stephen Jones Carroll & Graf 0-7867-0023-8
$9.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Luis Rey  
The Frankenstein Omnibus 1994-00-00 ed. Peter Haining Chartwell Books 0-7858-0041-7
$10.98?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
The H. P. Lovecraft Omnibus 2: Dagon and Other Macabre Tales 1994-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Grafton 0-586-06324-2
£5.99?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
coll Tim White Checkmark
The Frankenstein Omnibus 1994-03-00 ed. Peter Haining Orion 1-85797-551-0
£9.99?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
The Frankenstein Omnibus 1994-03-00 ed. Peter Haining Orion 1-85797-550-2
£15.99?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
anth Checkmark
Reel Future 1994-08-00 ed. Forrest J. Ackerman, Jean Stine Barnes & Noble Books / SFBC 03719
$12.98?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
anth Checkmark
Reel Future 1994-09-00 ed. Forrest J. Ackerman, Jean Stine Barnes & Noble Books 1-56619-450-4
$9.98?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
Frankenstein 1995-00-00 ed. Manfred Kluge Heyne (Heyne Allgemeine Reihe #9280) 3-453-08523-X
DM 10.00?DM: German (Deutsche) mark. ISO code: DEM in 1948-1999
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth Checkmark
The Giant Book of Zombies 1995-00-00 ed. Stephen Jones Parragon 0-7525-1030-4
£2.99?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Luis Rey Checkmark
The Frankenstein Omnibus 1995-02-00 ed. Peter Haining Orion 1-85797-804-8
£5.99?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth Checkmark
Les autres dieux 1995-05-00 H. P. Lovecraft Librio (Librio #68) 2-277-30068-3
F10.00?F: French frank. ISO code: FRF in 1960-1999
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
coll Michael Whelan  
Les autres dieux 1995-12-00 H. P. Lovecraft Librio (Librio #68) 2-277-30068-3
F10.00?F: French frank. ISO code: FRF in 1960-1999
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
coll Michael Whelan Checkmark
The Transition of H. P. Lovecraft: The Road to Madness 1996-10-00 H. P. Lovecraft Del Rey / Ballantine 0-345-38422-9
$14.00?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
coll John Jude Palencar  
Dagon and Other Macabre Tales 1997-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Arkham House 0-87054-039-4   lii+
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
coll Raymond Bayless  
Stadt ohne Namen 1997-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Suhrkamp (Phantastische Bibliothek #346) 3-518-39256-5
DM 17.80?DM: German (Deutsche) mark. ISO code: DEM in 1948-1999
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
Dagon et autres récits de terreur 1997-03-00 H. P. Lovecraft J'ai Lu (J'ai Lu - Science Fiction #459) 2-290-00459-6   431
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
coll Philippe Druillet  
Les autres dieux 1997-04-00 H. P. Lovecraft Librio (Librio #68) 2-277-30068-3
F10.00?F: French frank. ISO code: FRF in 1960-1999
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
coll Michael Whelan Checkmark
Great American Ghost Stories 1998-03-00 ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Frank D. McSherry, Jr., Charles G. Waugh Rutledge Hill Press 1-55853-581-0
$14.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
The Reel Stuff 1998-09-00 ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Brian Thomsen DAW Books 0-88677-817-4
$5.99?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth Les Edwards Checkmark
Les autres dieux 1998-12-00 H. P. Lovecraft Librio (Librio #68) 2-277-30068-3
F10.00?F: French frank. ISO code: FRF in 1960-1999
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
coll Michael Whelan  
Temppeli, Nimetön kaupunki ja muita kertomuksia 1999-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Kustannus Oy Jalava 951-887-167-1   311
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
coll Checkmark
More Annotated H. P. Lovecraft 1999-08-00 H. P. Lovecraft Dell 0-440-50875-4
$13.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
More Annotated H. P. Lovecraft 1999-09-01 H. P. Lovecraft Turtleback Books 0-613-52984-7
$26.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories 1999-10-01 H. P. Lovecraft Penguin Books (US) (Penguin Twentieth Century Classics) 0-14-118234-2
$14.00?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
coll John Martin (1789-1854)  
Les autres dieux 1999-11-00 H. P. Lovecraft Librio (Librio #68) 2-277-30068-3
F10.00?F: French frank. ISO code: FRF in 1960-1999
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
coll Michael Whelan  
Dagon and Other Macabre Tales 2001-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Arkham House 0-87054-039-4
$25.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
coll Tony Patrick  
The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories 2002-07-00 H. P. Lovecraft Penguin Books (Penguin Modern Classics) 0-14-118706-9
£7.99?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
coll Michele Turriani  
The Frankenstein Omnibus 2003-00-00 ed. Peter Haining Bounty Books 0-7537-0831-0
£9.99?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
Waking Up Screaming: Haunting Tales of Terror 2003-01-00 H. P. Lovecraft Del Rey / Ballantine 0-345-45829-X
$6.99?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
coll Dave McKean  
Dagon et autres récits de terreur 2003-03-00 H. P. Lovecraft J'ai Lu (J'ai Lu - Fantastique #459) 2-290-33290-9   431
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
Richard Guérineau?Richard Guerineau
The Transition of H. P. Lovecraft: The Road to Madness 2003-03-00 H. P. Lovecraft Del Rey / Ballantine 0-345-46331-5
$15.00?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
ebook?Used for all electronic formats, including but not limited to EPUB, eReader, HTML, iBook, Mobipocket, and PDF.
coll Checkmark
Cyberfilms 2004-03-00 ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Brian Thomsen ibooks 0-7434-8743-5
$12.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Dave Seeley Checkmark
Galaxia, 11, November-December 2004 2004-11-00 ed. León Arsenal Equipo Sirius  
€3.75?€: Euro. ISO code: EUR
A4?21 cm by 29.7 cm or 8.3" by 11.7" magazine, used by some UK and European magazines
mag Luis Septién del Castillo  
Galaxia, 12, January-February 2005 2005-01-00 ed. León Arsenal Equipo Sirius  
€3.75?€: Euro. ISO code: EUR
A4?21 cm by 29.7 cm or 8.3" by 11.7" magazine, used by some UK and European magazines
mag Juan Manuel Sánchez  
Tales 2005-02-03 H. P. Lovecraft The Library of America (The Library of America #155) 1-931082-72-3
$35.00?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
coll Checkmark
Adaptations: 35 Great Stories That Have Inspired Great Films 2005-04-26 ed. Stephanie Harrison Three Rivers Press 1-4000-5314-5
$15.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Checkmark
Dagon et autres récits de terreur 2006-01-00 H. P. Lovecraft J'ai Lu (J'ai Lu - Fantastique #459) 2-290-33290-9   431
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
Richard Guérineau?Richard Guerineau
Namenlose Kulte 2006-04-00 Howard Phillips Lovecraft Festa (H. P. Lovecrafts Bibliothek des Schreckens #2618) 978-3-935822-84-8
€24.00?€: Euro. ISO code: EUR
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
coll Checkmark
Dagon et autres récits de terreur 2007-07-00 H. P. Lovecraft J'ai Lu (J'ai Lu - Fantastique #459) 978-2-290-33290-0
€6.70?€: Euro. ISO code: EUR
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
Richard Guérineau?Richard Guerineau
Herbert West: Reanimador 2008-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Quasi 978-989-552-380-1   92
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
The Fiction: Complete and Unabridged 2008-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Barnes & Noble Books (Library of Essential Writers) 978-1-4351-0793-9   xiv+
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
omni Sven Geier  
More Annotated H. P. Lovecraft 2008-01-00 H. P. Lovecraft Dell / SFBC 978-0-7394-8902-4 / 1210308
$9.99?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
Necronomicon: The Best Weird Tales of H. P. Lovecraft 2008-03-27 H. P. Lovecraft Gollancz 978-0-575-08157-4
£16.99?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
coll Les Edwards  
Necronomicon: The Best Weird Tales of H. P. Lovecraft 2008-04-28 H. P. Lovecraft Gollancz / Orion 978-0-575-08156-7
£20.00?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
coll Les Edwards Checkmark
The Reel Stuff 2008-06-03 ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Brian Thomsen DAW Books (DAW Collectors #1098) 978-0-7564-0522-9
$15.00?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
The Transition of H. P. Lovecraft: The Road to Madness 2008-06-26 H. P. Lovecraft Paw Prints 978-1-4395-0767-4
$24.00?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
Necronomicon: The Best Weird Tales of H. P. Lovecraft 2008-09-18 H. P. Lovecraft Gollancz / Orion 978-0-575-08603-6
£10.99?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
ebook?Used for all electronic formats, including but not limited to EPUB, eReader, HTML, iBook, Mobipocket, and PDF.
coll Les Edwards  
Collected Public Domain Works of H. P. Lovecraft 2008-10-17 H. P. Lovecraft LibriVox  
$0.00?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
digital audio download?Digital recording in any format that is downloaded directly from the Internet. This category includes podcasts.
Dagon et autres nouvelles de terreur 2009-05-00 H. P. Lovecraft
Le Pré aux Clercs?Le Pre aux Clercs
€18.00?€: Euro. ISO code: EUR
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
coll Martine Fassier  
The Call of Cthulhu and Other Dark Tales 2009-05-18 H. P. Lovecraft Barnes & Noble Books (Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading) 978-1-4351-1643-6
$12.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
Necronomicon: The Best Weird Tales of H. P. Lovecraft 2009-10-15 H. P. Lovecraft Gollancz 978-0-575-08688-3   vii+
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
coll Les Edwards  
The Weird Writings of H. P. Lovecraft: Vol 2 2010-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Girasol Collectables     568
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
The Best of H. P. Lovecraft 2010-05-13 H. P. Lovecraft Prion Books 978-1-85375-763-1
£14.99?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
unknown?The publication record was created from a secondary source and the publication format is unknown.
Horrific Fables 2010-09-26 ed. Thomas Huff Horrific Books 978-0-557-45162-3 / 2010909958
$12.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Thomas Huff , J. H. E. Partington Checkmark
The Book of the Living Dead 2010-10-00 ed. John Richard Stephens Berkley Books 978-0-425-23706-9
$15.00?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Checkmark
The Complete Fiction 2011-03-01 H. P. Lovecraft Barnes & Noble Books (Barnes & Noble Leatherbound Classics) 978-1-4351-2296-3
$20.00?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
omni Sven Geier  
Horrific Fables 2011-06-22 ed. Thomas Huff Horrific Books 978-1-257-84660-3 / 2010909958
$27.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
anth Thomas Huff , J. H. E. Partington Checkmark
Zombies! Zombies! Zombies! 2011-09-20 ed. Otto Penzler Vintage Crime / Black Lizard / Vintage Books 978-0-307-74089-2
$25.00?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Virgil Finlay Checkmark
The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories 2011-09-27 H. P. Lovecraft Penguin Books (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition) 978-0-14-310648-7
£12.99?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
coll Travis Louie Checkmark
H. P. Lovecraft Goes to the Movies 2011-10-04 H. P. Lovecraft Fall River Press 978-1-4351-3617-5
$9.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
coll Dana MacKenzie  
Bis dass die Zeit den Tod besiegt 2011-11-00 ed. Tim Curran, H. P. Lovecraft Festa (H. P. Lovecrafts Bibliothek des Schreckens (Sonderausgabe) #2)  
€36.66?€: Euro. ISO code: EUR
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
anth Cyril Van Der Haegen Checkmark
Weird Tales 2012-00-00 ed. uncredited Pulp Classics on DVD      
other?The publication format is non-standard. The details are usually provided publication notes.
anth Hannes Bok Checkmark
Zombies: A Compendium of the Living Dead 2012-01-01 ed. Otto Penzler Corvus 978-0-85789-027-6
£19.99?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
The Mammoth Book of Body Horror 2012-03-01 ed. Paul Kane, Marie O'Regan Robinson 978-1-78033-039-6
£7.99?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Carlos Castro (artist)  
The Mammoth Book of Body Horror 2012-04-00 ed. Paul Kane, Marie O'Regan Running Press 978-0-7624-4432-8
$13.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Carlos Castro (artist)  
The Steampunk Megapack: 26 Modern and Classic Steampunk Stories 2013-01-16 ed. John Gregory Betancourt, Evelyn Kriete Wildside Press (Megapack) 978-1-4344-4743-2
$0.99?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
ebook?Used for all electronic formats, including but not limited to EPUB, eReader, HTML, iBook, Mobipocket, and PDF.
anth Checkmark
The Mammoth Book of Zombies 2013-04-18 ed. Stephen Jones Robinson 978-1-4721-0668-1
£7.99?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
The Mammoth Book of Zombies 2013-04-18 ed. Stephen Jones Robinson 978-1-4721-0669-8
£7.99?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
ebook?Used for all electronic formats, including but not limited to EPUB, eReader, HTML, iBook, Mobipocket, and PDF.
Zombies! Tales of the Walking Dead 2013-06-01 ed. Stephen Jones Skyhorse Publishing 978-1-62087-651-0
$14.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Checkmark
Die lauernde Furcht 2013-12-02 H. P. Lovecraft Festa (Festa H. P. Lovecraft: Horror- und Fantasygeschichten) 978-3-86552-288-7
€13.95?€: Euro. ISO code: EUR
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
coll Jyrie Nousiainen Checkmark
Complete Collection of H. P. Lovecraft 2014-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Ageless Reads 978-1-4566-2416-3    
ebook?Used for all electronic formats, including but not limited to EPUB, eReader, HTML, iBook, Mobipocket, and PDF.
omni Checkmark
Tales 2014-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Heritage Illustrated Publishing      
ebook?Used for all electronic formats, including but not limited to EPUB, eReader, HTML, iBook, Mobipocket, and PDF.
coll Checkmark
Necronomicon 2014-08-14 H. P. Lovecraft Blackstone Audio      
digital audio download?Digital recording in any format that is downloaded directly from the Internet. This category includes podcasts.
coll Checkmark
The Complete Fiction of H. P. Lovecraft 2014-09-09 H. P. Lovecraft Race Point Publishing (Knickerbocker Classics) 978-1-63106-001-4
$35.00?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
omni Dave Carson  
The Mad Scientist Megapack 2014-09-22 ed. uncredited Wildside Press (Megapack) 978-1-4794-0376-9
$0.99?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
ebook?Used for all electronic formats, including but not limited to EPUB, eReader, HTML, iBook, Mobipocket, and PDF.
The New Annotated H. P. Lovecraft 2014-10-13 Howard Phillips Lovecraft Liveright (Annotated Books (Norton & Liveright)) 978-0-87140-453-4
$39.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
coll Checkmark
The New Annotated H. P. Lovecraft 2014-10-13 Howard Phillips Lovecraft Liveright (Annotated Books (Norton & Liveright)) 978-1-63149-055-2
$34.98?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
ebook?Used for all electronic formats, including but not limited to EPUB, eReader, HTML, iBook, Mobipocket, and PDF.
coll Jonathan Gray  
Windy City Pulp Stories #15 2015-04-17 Tom Roberts Black Dog Books 978-1-884449-61-1
$15.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
non-fic Les Edwards Checkmark
The Zombie Stories of H. P. Lovecraft 2015-06-29 H. P. Lovecraft Dover Publications (Dover Horror Classics) 978-0-486-80633-4
$7.99?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
ebook?Used for all electronic formats, including but not limited to EPUB, eReader, HTML, iBook, Mobipocket, and PDF.
coll Jeff A. Menges  
M. Christian's Terrors: Dark Doings at Miskatonic U. 2015-06-30 ed. M. Christian, Jean Marie Stine Renaissance E Books 978-1-61508-974-1
$1.99?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
ebook?Used for all electronic formats, including but not limited to EPUB, eReader, HTML, iBook, Mobipocket, and PDF.
The Zombie Stories of H. P. Lovecraft 2015-09-16 H. P. Lovecraft Dover Publications (Dover Horror Classics) 978-0-486-79806-6
$7.99?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
coll Jeff A. Menges  
The Zombie Megapack 2015-10-23 ed. uncredited Wildside Press (Megapack) 978-1-4794-0761-3
$9.99?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
ebook?Used for all electronic formats, including but not limited to EPUB, eReader, HTML, iBook, Mobipocket, and PDF.
Legacy of the Reanimator 2015-12-04 ed. Peter Rawlik, Brian M. Sammons Chaosium 978-1-56882-081-1
$16.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Victor Manuel Leza Moreno  
Legacy of the Reanimator 2015-12-04 ed. Peter Rawlik, Brian M. Sammons Chaosium  
$7.99?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
ebook?Used for all electronic formats, including but not limited to EPUB, eReader, HTML, iBook, Mobipocket, and PDF.
anth Victor Manuel Leza Moreno  
The Complete Works 2016-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft uncredited 978-1-5390-3331-8   609
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
omni Checkmark
H. P. Lovecraft: The Complete Omnibus, Volume I: 1917-1926 2016-01-15 H. P. Lovecraft Pulp-Lit Productions 978-1-945032-02-8
$24.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
coll Harold S. DeLay  
H. P. Lovecraft: The Complete Omnibus, Volume I: 1917-1926 2016-01-15 H. P. Lovecraft Pulp-Lit Productions 978-0-9864097-5-2
$48.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
coll Harold S. DeLay  
The Complete Fiction of H. P. Lovecraft 2016-07-01 H. P. Lovecraft Chartwell Books 978-0-7858-3420-5   xvii+
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
omni Checkmark
The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories 2016-10-18 H. P. Lovecraft Penguin Books (US) (Penguin Orange Collection) 978-0-14-312945-5
$18.00?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
coll Eric Nyquist  
El gabinete de los delirios 2017-01-00 ed. uncredited Valdemar (El Club Diógenes #331) 978-84-7702-847-5   525
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
anth Óscar Sacristán López  
H. P. Lovecraft: The Complete Fiction 2017-05-20 H. P. Lovecraft Benediction Classics 978-1-78139-824-1
$14.75?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
H. P. Lovecraft: The Complete Fiction 2017-05-22 H. P. Lovecraft Benediction Classics 978-1-78139-825-8
$24.99?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
H. P. Lovecraft: Das Werk 2017-09-21 H. P. Lovecraft Fischer Tor 978-3-596-03708-7
€68.00?€: Euro. ISO code: EUR
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
coll Jonathan Gray Checkmark
The H. P. Lovecraft Collection 2017-10-03 H. P. Lovecraft Sirius / Arcturus Publishing 978-1-78888-069-5
$6.99?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
ebook?Used for all electronic formats, including but not limited to EPUB, eReader, HTML, iBook, Mobipocket, and PDF.
H.P. Lovecraft: The Complete Fiction Omnibus: The Early Years: 1908-1925 2018-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Pulp-Lit Productions 978-1-63591-318-7   xxiii+
ebook?Used for all electronic formats, including but not limited to EPUB, eReader, HTML, iBook, Mobipocket, and PDF.
coll Harold S. DeLay Checkmark
The Call of Cthulhu and Other Stories 2018-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Sirius / Arcturus Publishing 978-1-78428-830-3   224
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
coll Checkmark
The H. P. Lovecraft Collection 2018-00-00 H. P. Lovecraft Sirius / Arcturus Publishing 978-1-78428-860-0
$59.99?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
omni Checkmark
H.P. Lovecraft: The Complete Fiction Omnibus: The Early Years: 1908-1925 2018-03-15 H. P. Lovecraft Pulp-Lit Productions 978-1-63591-312-5
$29.99?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
coll Harold S. DeLay Checkmark
H.P. Lovecraft: The Complete Fiction Omnibus: The Early Years: 1908-1925 2018-03-15 H. P. Lovecraft Pulp-Lit Productions 978-1-63591-313-2
$8.99?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
coll Harold S. DeLay  
Weird Tales (disc 5) 2019-00-00 ed. uncredited        
unknown?The publication record was created from a secondary source and the publication format is unknown.
The Complete Weird-Fiction Works of H.P. Lovecraft: In One Volume 2019-06-12 H. P. Lovecraft Pulp-Lit Productions 978-1-63591-363-7
$5.99?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
ebook?Used for all electronic formats, including but not limited to EPUB, eReader, HTML, iBook, Mobipocket, and PDF.
omni Margaret Brundage  
Re-Animator und weitere Erzählungen 2019-10-30 H. P. Lovecraft Festa 978-3-86552-793-6
€19.99?€: Euro. ISO code: EUR
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
coll Timo Wuerz Checkmark
H. P. Lovecraft: The Complete Fiction 2019-11-01 H. P. Lovecraft Benediction Classics 978-1-78943-032-5
$24.99?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
Zombies! Zombies! Zombies! 2019-12-31 ed. Otto Penzler HighBridge Audio 978-1-68457-672-2
$34.99?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
digital audio download?Digital recording in any format that is downloaded directly from the Internet. This category includes podcasts.
Dr. Acula's Reel Monsters: The Original Short Stories That Became 8 Classic Horror Films 2020-07-09 ed. Forrest J. Ackerman, Jean Marie Stine Strange Particle Press / Digital Parchment Press  
$3.00?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
ebook?Used for all electronic formats, including but not limited to EPUB, eReader, HTML, iBook, Mobipocket, and PDF.
Cabrera Brothers Free Bundle, October 2020 2020-10-00 ed. Javier Cabrera Cabrera Brothers Publishing  
$0.00?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
ebook?Used for all electronic formats, including but not limited to EPUB, eReader, HTML, iBook, Mobipocket, and PDF.
H. P. Lovecraft: Das Gesamtwerk 2020-10-28 H. P. Lovecraft Festa 978-3-86552-882-7
€69.99?€: Euro. ISO code: EUR
493, 493, 478, 494, 492, 495
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
omni Timo Wuerz Checkmark
H. P. Lovecraft: Das Gesamtwerk I 2020-10-28 H. P. Lovecraft Festa     493
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
coll Timo Wuerz Checkmark
Contos reunidos do mestre do horror cósmico 2021-02-15 Bruno Costa, H. P. Lovecraft Editora Ex Machina 978-65-991795-0-1   560
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
coll Tulio Caetano  
Zombies! Zombies! Zombies! 2021-03-01 ed. Otto Penzler Highbridge Audio and Blackstone Publishing 978-1-6651-7976-8
$75.99?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
audio MP3 CD?Compact disc with mp3-encoded audio tracks
Zombies! Zombies! Zombies! 2021-03-01 ed. Otto Penzler Highbridge Audio and Blackstone Publishing 978-1-6651-7977-5
$80.00?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
audio CD?Compact disc with standard audio tracks
Le cycle de Providence 2021-09-00 Howard Phillips Lovecraft
(Intégrale Howard Phillips Lovecraft #4)
978-2-35408-996-2   490
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
coll Zdzislaw Beksinski  
Intégrale 2021-09-14 Howard Phillips Lovecraft
€120.00?€: Euro. ISO code: EUR
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
omni Zdzislaw Beksinski , Zdzislaw Beksinski , Zdzislaw Beksinski , Zdzislaw Beksinski , Zdzislaw Beksinski , Zdzislaw Beksinski , Zdzislaw Beksinski  
More Annotated H. P. Lovecraft date unknown H. P. Lovecraft Dell 0-440-50875-4
$15.00?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
coll Checkmark
Necronomicon: The Best Weird Tales of H. P. Lovecraft date unknown H. P. Lovecraft Gollancz / Orion 978-0-575-08156-7
£20.00?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
coll Les Edwards Checkmark
The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories date unknown H. P. Lovecraft Penguin Books (Penguin Modern Classics) 978-0-14-118706-8
£10.99?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
coll Michele Turriani Checkmark
The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories date unknown H. P. Lovecraft Penguin Books (US) (Penguin Twentieth Century Classics) 0-14-118234-2
$12.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
coll John Martin (1789-1854) Checkmark
The Complete Fiction date unknown H. P. Lovecraft Barnes & Noble Books 978-1-4351-2296-3   xiv+
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
omni Sven Geier Checkmark
The Complete Fiction of H. P. Lovecraft date unknown H. P. Lovecraft Race Point Publishing (Knickerbocker Classics) 978-1-63106-001-4
£25.99?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
omni Dave Carson Checkmark
The Fiction: Complete and Unabridged date unknown H. P. Lovecraft Barnes & Noble Books (Library of Essential Writers) 978-1-4351-0793-9   xiv+
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
omni Sven Geier  
The H. P. Lovecraft Omnibus 2: Dagon and Other Macabre Tales date unknown H. P. Lovecraft Voyager / HarperCollins 0-586-06324-2
£7.99?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
coll Tim White Checkmark
The H. P. Lovecraft Omnibus 2: Dagon and Other Macabre Tales date unknown H. P. Lovecraft Voyager / HarperCollins 0-586-06324-2
£7.99?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
coll Tim White  
Waking Up Screaming: Haunting Tales of Terror date unknown H. P. Lovecraft Del Rey / Ballantine 0-345-45829-X
$7.99?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
coll Dave McKean  
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