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Title: The Troll

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Title: The Troll Title Record # 71720
Author: T. H. White
Date: 1935-00-00
Length: short story
Language: English
Note: First published in Gone to Ground, 1935.
User Rating: 7.00 (1 vote) Your vote: Not cast VOTE
Current Tags: horror (1), fantasy (1), trolls (1), monsters (1), rosary (1), Catholicism (1) Add Tags

Other Titles

Year Language Title
1982Translated by Martha Heesen
Dutch De trol [as by Terence H. White]
1982Translated by Rudolf Rocholl
German Der Troll
1987Translated by François Gallix
French Le troll
1990Translated by Marcel Bieger
German Der Troll


Displaying all variants and translations • Do not display translationsDo not display variants or translations

Title Date Author/Editor Publisher/Pub. Series ISBN/Catalog ID Price Pages Format Type Cover Artist Verif
Tall Short Stories 1959-00-00 ed. Eric Duthie Simon & Schuster  
$5.00?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
anth Ben Feder, Inc.  
Tall Short Stories 1960-00-00 ed. Eric Duthie Ace Star K-113
$0.50?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth Mona Moore Checkmark
Stories That Scared Even Me 1967-11-00 ed. Alfred Hitchcock Random House  
$6.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
Stories That Scared Even Me 1968-00-00 ed. Alfred Hitchcock Max Reinhardt 0-370-00643-7
20/-?Prior to decimilisation (1968-1971), UK books were priced in shillings, or shillings and pence, where 20 shillings equals one pound and 12 old pence equals one shilling. Shillings were indicated with a variety of suffixes, e.g. 3s, 3', 3", 3/ all mean 3 shillings. Any number after that is additional pence, usually 6 (half a shilling) but sometimes 3 or 9 (a quarter of a shilling or three-quarters of a shilling).
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
anth Bernard Blatch Checkmark
Stories That Scared Even Me: Part One 1970-00-00 ed. Alfred Hitchcock Pan Books 0-330-02581-3
5/-?Prior to decimilisation (1968-1971), UK books were priced in shillings, or shillings and pence, where 20 shillings equals one pound and 12 old pence equals one shilling. Shillings were indicated with a variety of suffixes, e.g. 3s, 3', 3", 3/ all mean 3 shillings. Any number after that is additional pence, usually 6 (half a shilling) but sometimes 3 or 9 (a quarter of a shilling or three-quarters of a shilling).
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
Scream Along with Me 1970-12-00 ed. Alfred Hitchcock Dell 3633
$0.75?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
Ghosts: An Anthology 1971-00-00 ed. William Mayne Hamish Hamilton 0-241-01939-7
£1.50?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
Ghosts: An Anthology 1971-00-00 ed. William Mayne Thomas Nelson 0-8407-7112-6
$4.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
The Eighth Fontana Book of Great Horror Stories 1973-00-00 ed. Mary Danby Fontana 0-00-613296-0   189
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth John Holmes  
The Eighth Fontana Book of Great Horror Stories 1973-09-00 ed. Mary Danby Fontana 0-00-613296-0   189
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
The Eighth Fontana Book of Great Horror Stories 1974-05-00 ed. Mary Danby Fontana 0-00-613296-0   189
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
The Eighth Fontana Book of Great Horror Stories 1975-01-00 ed. Mary Danby Fontana 0-00-613296-0
£0.35?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth Checkmark
Ghostly, Grim and Gruesome 1976-00-00 ed. Helen Hoke Thomas Nelson 0-8407-6545-2
$6.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
anth Checkmark
Ghostly, Grim and Gruesome 1976-00-00 ed. Helen Hoke J. M. Dent 0-460-06712-5
£2.95?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
anth Alex Brychta Checkmark
Scream Along with Me 1977-09-00 ed. Alfred Hitchcock Dell 0-440-13633-4
$1.25?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
Dark Imaginings: A Collection of Gothic Fantasy 1978-00-00 ed. Robert H. Boyer, Kenneth J. Zahorski Delta 0-440-53118-7
$4.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Joel Schick  
The Eighth Fontana Book of Great Horror Stories 1978-00-00 ed. Mary Danby Fontana 0-00-615230-9   189
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
Dark Imaginings: A Collection of Gothic Fantasy 1978-07-00 ed. Robert H. Boyer, Kenneth J. Zahorski Delta 0-440-53118-7
$4.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Joel Schick Checkmark
Creepy Creatures 1978-09-00 ed. Barbara Ireson Beaver Books 0-600-32064-2
£0.65?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth John Raynes  
The Year's Best Fantasy Stories: 5 1980-01-00 ed. Lin Carter DAW Books (DAW Collectors #370) 0-87997-510-5 / UJ1510
$1.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth Penalva Checkmark
The Year's Best Fantasy Stories: 5 1980-01-00 ed. Lin Carter DAW Books / New American Library of Canada 0-87997-510-5 / UJ1510
C$2.25?C$: Canadian dollar. ISO code: CAD
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth Penalva Checkmark
The Maharajah and Other Stories 1981-05-00 T. H. White Macdonald & Co. 0-354-04670-5
£6.95?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
65 Great Tales of Horror 1981-09-00 ed. Mary Danby Octopus Books 0-7064-1729-1   688
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
The Maharajah & Other Stories 1981-09-00 T. H. White G. P. Putnam's Sons 0-399-12650-3
$12.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
coll David Palladini Checkmark
65 Great Tales of Horror 1982-00-00 ed. Mary Danby Octopus Books 0-7064-1729-1   688
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
De maharadja en andere verhalen 1982-00-00 Terence H. White Het Spectrum (Spectrum paperback) 90-274-5983-5   181
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
coll Peter van Hugten Checkmark
Kopfkalamitäten und andere Geschichten 1982-00-00 T. H. White Diederichs 3-424-00730-7
DM 29.80?DM: German (Deutsche) mark. ISO code: DEM in 1948-1999
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
Lost Souls: A Collection of English Ghost Stories 1983-00-00 ed. Jack Sullivan Ohio University Press 0-8214-0652-3
$25.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
anth George Chastain  
Lost Souls: A Collection of English Ghost Stories 1983-00-00 ed. Jack Sullivan Ohio University Press 0-8214-0653-1
$12.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth George Chastain  
The Maharajah and Other Stories 1983-04-00 T. H. White Berkley Books 0-425-05862-X
$2.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
coll Checkmark
Bestiary! 1985-10-00 ed. Jack Dann, Gardner Dozois Ace Books 0-441-05506-0
$2.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth Carl Lundgren Checkmark
Bestiary! 1986-00-00 ed. Jack Dann, Gardner Dozois Ace Books 0-441-05508-7
$2.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth Carl Lundgren  
Contes étranges et histoires fantastiques 1987-10-00 T. H. White Publications de la Sorbonne (Langues et langages #17) 2-85944-139-1
F70.00?F: French frank. ISO code: FRF in 1960-1999
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
Nicolas Couté?Nicolas Coute
Black Water 2: More Tales of the Fantastic 1990-00-00 ed. Alberto Manguel Lester & Orpen Dennys 0-88619-124-6   xx+
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth George Tooker  
Das Fräulein und der Dämon?Das Fraeulein und der Daemon
1990-00-00 ed. Lin Carter Moewig (Moewig Science Fiction #3880) 3-8118-3880-6
DM 14.80?DM: German (Deutsche) mark. ISO code: DEM in 1948-1999
pb?Paperback. Typically 7" by 4.25" (18 cm by 11 cm) or smaller, though trimming errors can cause them to sometimes be slightly (less than 1/4 extra inch) taller or wider/deeper.
anth David Lee Anderson Checkmark
Black Water 2: More Tales of the Fantastic 1991-01-00 ed. Alberto Manguel Clarkson N. Potter 0-517-57559-0
$14.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth George Tooker  
White Fire: Further Fantastic Literature 1991-04-00 ed. Alberto Manguel Picador 0-330-31380-0
£9.99?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth George Tooker  
Black Water 2: More Tales of the Fantastic 1992-06-00 ed. Alberto Manguel Vintage Canada 0-394-22264-4
C$20.00?C$: Canadian dollar. ISO code: CAD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth George Tooker  
Visions & Imaginings: Classic Fantasy Fiction 1992-08-00 ed. Robert H. Boyer, Kenneth J. Zahorski Academy Chicago 0-89733-361-6
$10.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Barbara Corey  
The Oxford Book of Modern Fairy Tales 1993-05-00 ed. Alison Lurie Oxford University Press 0-19-214218-6
£17.95?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
anth Maxfield Parrish  
The Oxford Book of Modern Fairy Tales 1993-06-00 ed. Alison Lurie Oxford University Press 0-19-214218-6
$25.00?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
anth Maxfield Parrish Checkmark
The Oxford Book of Modern Fairy Tales 1994-08-00 ed. Alison Lurie Oxford University Press 0-19-282385-X
£7.99?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Maxfield Parrish  
The Oxford Book of Modern Fairy Tales 1994-10-00 ed. Alison Lurie Oxford University Press 0-19-282385-X
$13.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Maxfield Parrish  
Horror Stories 1995-09-00 ed. Susan Price Kingfisher (US) 1-85697-592-4
$6.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Mark Taylor  
Horror Stories 1995-09-00 ed. Susan Price Kingfisher 1-85697-187-2
£4.99?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Mark Taylor  
Modern Classics of Fantasy 1997-01-00 ed. Gardner Dozois St. Martin's Press 0-312-15173-X
$35.00?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
anth James Gurney  
Modern Classics of Fantasy 1997-03-00 ed. Gardner Dozois St. Martin's Press / SFBC 14775
$14.98?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
anth James Gurney Checkmark
Modern Classics of Fantasy 1997-11-01 ed. Gardner Dozois St. Martin's Griffin 0-312-16931-0
$15.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth James Gurney  
Horror Stories 1998-00-00 ed. Susan Price Kingfisher 1-85697-187-2
£4.99?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Les Edwards Checkmark
The Oxford Book of English Short Stories 1999-00-00 ed. A. S. Byatt Oxford University Press 0-19-288111-6
£11.99?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Leonora Carrington Checkmark
Wizards: Stories of Magic, Mischief and Mayhem 2001-10-00 ed. Jennifer Schwamm Willis Thunder's Mouth Press 1-56025-320-7
$16.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth N. C. Wyeth  
Horror Stories 2005-06-00 ed. Susan Price Kingfisher 0-7534-1154-7
£5.99?£: UK pound. ISO code: GBP
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth Les Edwards  
The Dark Side: Truly Terrifying Tales 2007-11-00 ed. Susan Price Kingfisher (US) 978-0-7534-6143-3
$6.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth John Clucas Checkmark
Bestiary! 2013-06-15 ed. Jack Dann, Gardner Dozois Baen Books 978-1-62579-138-2
$4.99?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
ebook?Used for all electronic formats, including but not limited to EPUB, eReader, HTML, iBook, Mobipocket, and PDF.
Modern Classics of Fantasy 2014-10-28 ed. Gardner Dozois St. Martin's Press 978-1-4668-8448-9
$7.99?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
ebook?Used for all electronic formats, including but not limited to EPUB, eReader, HTML, iBook, Mobipocket, and PDF.
anth James Gurney  
Black Water 2: More Tales of the Fantastic date unknown ed. Alberto Manguel Clarkson Potter 0-517-57559-0
$17.50?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
anth George Tooker  
Modern Classics of Fantasy date unknown ed. Gardner Dozois St. Martin's Press 0-312-15173-X
$35.00?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
anth James Gurney  
The Maharajah & Other Stories date unknown T. H. White G. P. Putnam's Sons 0-399-12650-3
$12.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
coll David Palladini  
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