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Title Edit History

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The list below displays all Edit Title, Make Variant, Delete Title, Title Merge, Title Unmerge, and Link Review submissions for this title record. Add Variant Title submissions are listed if approved after 2021-01-11. Note that title records are created automatically when publications are created/edited; related submissions are not displayed on this page.

Current ISFDB time: 2024-09-12 18:29:48

Submission Type Time Submitted Submitter Time Approved Reviewer Affected Record
3196124 TitleDelete 2016-10-18 03:21:51 Hauck 2016-10-18 03:21:54 Hauck What Sleeps in the Shallows Belongs to t
3195955 MakeVariant 2016-10-17 19:48:22 Ofearna 2016-10-18 03:21:28 Hauck What Sleeps in the Shallows Belongs to t
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