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Field Current Pub Record #848521 Proposed Changes
Title Witch Doctrine -
Transliterated Titles - -
Authors Annah Browning -
Date 2020-04-07 -
Publisher The University Of Akron Press -
Pages 83 -
Format tp -
ISBN 9781629221649 -
Catalog ID - -
Price $15.95 -
Pub. Series - -
Pub. Series # - -
Image Image
Web Pages -
  • Data from 2021-07-16
  • Content from Look inside. (Kindle version, may differ from tp)
  • Data from 2021-07-16
  • Content from Look inside. (Kindle version, may differ from tp)
External IDs LCCN: 2019046244
OCLC/WorldCat: 1123181015

New Regular Titles

Page Title Authors Date Type Length
|1 Spell for a Lover Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|2 Witch in Winter Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|3 Witch as Healer Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|4 Witch's Homunculus Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|5 Witch to Familiar Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|6 Witch Doctrine: On Giving Prescriptions Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|7 Witch Questions the So-Called Higher Power Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|8 Witch Lullaby Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|9 Witch Dreams of Happiness Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|11 Witch Doctrine: Comfort Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|12 Final Witch Doctrine Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|13 Witch Passing the Graveyard Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|14 Southern Witch Doctrine on the Resurrection Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|15 Witch After Heartbreak Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|16 Witch Kills the Familiar Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|17 Spell for a Daughter Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|18 Dream of Flat Hills Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|19 To the Salt Gator Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|20 Dear Ghost: Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|21 Collector of Luck Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|22 Where to Look for Ghosts Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|23 Widow: Out-of-Body Experience Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|24 Medium in the Morning Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|25 Personal Cleansings Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|26 Medium After Producing the Ectoplasm Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|27 Medium After Trances Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|28 Farm Windows, Night Hour Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|29 Medium on the Dietary Habits of the Dead Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|30 On Summer Southern Ghosts Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|31 Medium Dreams of Marriage Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|32 On Being Prolific Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|33 A Dear John Letter Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|34 Medium on the Sleeping Arrangements of the Dead Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|35 Spell for Removals Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|36 How to Love a House Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|37 Ghost to Apprentice Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|39 The Thirst of the Prior Inhabitants Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|40 Ghost as Housekeeper Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|41 Ghost in a Dessert Dish Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|42 Ghost Encounter Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|43 Ghost Trapped in the Attic, Summer Afternoon Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|44 Woman in the Diorama Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|45 Suicide Ghost Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|46 Hunter Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|47 Ghost Coming to Trms Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|48 The Anniversary Dream Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|49 After the Butchering Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -
|50 A Shadow Left My Party Annah Browning 2020-04-07 POEM -

Secondary Verifications

Source Status Verifier Date
OCLC/Worldcat Verified Scifibones 2021-08-09 12:32:44

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Submitted by Scifibones on 2021-07-23 22:36:48

Approved by Ahasuerus on 2021-07-26 12:07:55

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