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Field Current Pub Record #600824 Proposed Changes
Title Noise of Our Origin: Rauschen unseres Ursprungs -
Transliterated Titles - -
Authors Dietmar Tauchner -
Date 2013-00-00 -
Publisher Red Moon Press -
Pages 112 -
Format pb -
ISBN 9781936848478 -
Catalog ID - -
Price $15.00 -
Pub. Series - -
Pub. Series # - -
Image Image
Web Pages - -
  • A bilingual collection of poetry.
  • Data from a PDF file of the first edition.
  • The poems were published in pairs. The order within the pair was used to determine which was the original and which the translation.
External IDs - -

New Regular Titles

Page Title Authors Date Type Length
|39 "between dream and reality" Dietmar Tauchner 2013-00-00 POEM -
|40 "zwischen Traum und Wirklichkeit" Dietmar Tauchner 2013-00-00 POEM -
|106.8 "beyond" Dietmar Tauchner 2013-00-00 POEM -
|106.9 "nach" Dietmar Tauchner 2013-00-00 POEM -
|122.3 "start a war" Dietmar Tauchner 2013-00-00 POEM -
|122.4 "einen Krieg beginnen" Dietmar Tauchner 2013-00-00 POEM -

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Submitted by Scifibones on 2021-09-16 15:58:20

Approved by Anniemod on 2021-09-16 16:05:14

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