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Field Current Pub Record #864667 Proposed Changes Differences
Title Patternmaster -
Transliterated Titles - -
Authors Octavia Butler -
Date 2021-02-00 -
Pub. Type NOVEL -
Publisher Open Road Integrated Media -
Pages - -
Format ebook -
ISBN 9781453263655 -
Catalog ID - -
Price $13.99 -
Pub. Series - -
Pub. Series # - -
Image Image
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Web Pages - -
Reuses the ASIN of the 2012 Open Road Integrated Media ebook edition. Publishing date from Goodreads. The inside of this 2021-02 book states that this is the 2012 edition, but it uses a different cover, which makes it a new "printing" of the 2012 edition. Price from as of 2021-10-23. ISBN printed on the last page. Verification based on the MOBI/Kindle, Epub and Overdrive versions of the book. The author is credited as "Octavia E. Butler" on the cover, but as "Octavia Butler" on the title page. 9 photographs of the author at the end of the book after the essay.
Reuses the ASIN and ISBN from the 2012 ebook edition. Publishing date from Goodreads. The inside of the book says that this is the 2012 edition but the cover had been changed since then thus making it a new "printing" of that edition. Price from as of 2021-10-23. ISBN printed on the last page. Verification based on the MOBI/Kindle, Epub and Overdrive versions of the book. Octavia E. Butler on the cover but Octavia Butler on the title page. 9 photographs of the author at the end of the book after the essay.
- Reuses the ASIN of the 2012 Open Road Integrated Media ebook edition.
- Publishing date from Goodreads. The inside of this 2021-02 book states that this is the 2012 edition, but it uses a different cover, which makes it a new "printing" of the 2012 edition.
- The author is credited as "Octavia E. Butler" on the cover, but as "Octavia Butler" on the title page.
+ Reuses the ASIN and ISBN from the 2012 ebook edition.
+ Publishing date from Goodreads. The inside of the book says that this is the 2012 edition but the cover had been changed since then thus making it a new "printing" of that edition.
+ Octavia E. Butler on the cover but Octavia Butler on the title page.
External IDs ASIN: B008HALOPA AU BR CA CN DE ES FR IN IT JP MX NL TR UAE UK US (US/UK earn commissions)
Goodreads: 56952647

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Verifier Date Type Last User Activity Date
Anniemod 2021-10-22 00:24:51 Transient 2024-04-12

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Submitted by Anniemod on 2021-10-24 03:33:52

Approved by Anniemod on 2021-10-24 03:33:56

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