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Title Data

Field Proposed Value
Title Almanah Anticipația 1995
Transliterated Titles Almanah Anticipatia 1995
Authors Mihai-Dan Pavelescu
Title Date 1994-00-00
Almanah Anticipația?Almanah Anticipatia
Series Number 12
Web Pages -
Language Romanian
Length -
Content Indicator -
Non-Genre No
Juvenile No
Novelization No
Graphic No
Synopsis -
Title Note -

Publication Data

Field Proposed Value Warnings
Pub Title Almanah Anticipația 1995
Transliterated Pub Titles Almanah Anticipatia 1995
Pub Authors Mihai-Dan Pavelescu
Pub Date 1994-00-00
Știință & Tehnică?Shtiintsa & Tehnicah
Pages 272
Format tp
ISBN 9739693741 ISBN already on file
Catalog ID -
Price Lei 4900 4 or more consecutive digits must be separated with a comma.
Pub Series -
Pub Series # -
Image -
Pub Web Page
Data from ro.wikipedia and online copy
External IDs -

Cover Art

Title Artists Date
Almanah Anticipația 1995 Walter Riess 1994-00-00

Regular Titles

Page Title Authors Date Type Length Warnings
14 Ecce Homo! (Complete novel) Michael Moorcock 1994-00-00 SERIAL -
37 Purtător de lumină Liviu Radu 1994-00-00 SHORTFICTION -
43 Orbul nebun furios și paraliticul lucid
Cristian Lăzărescu?Cristian Lazarescu
1994-00-00 SHORTFICTION -
52 Techno-System Aurelius Belei 1994-00-00 SHORTFICTION -
57 Trinitate Nancy Kress 1994-00-00 SHORTFICTION novella
82 e-MAIL
Florin Pītea?Florin Pitea
Florin Patea
1994-00-00 SHORTFICTION -
83 Dualitate Pavel D. Constantin 1994-00-00 SHORTFICTION - Pavel D. Constantin is an alternate name
88 Rătăcind prin toate casele voastre Ted Reynolds 1994-00-00 SHORTFICTION -
123 Password Monk Doru Stoica+
Dănuț Ivănescu?Danut Ivanescu
1994-00-00 SHORTFICTION -
126 Peste mohorātul Pămānt Philip K. Dick 1994-00-00 SHORTFICTION - Philip K. Dick is a disambiguated name
138 Unul singur nu este de ajuns John Polkinghorne 1994-00-00 ESSAY -
140 Gnoza SF Voicu Bugariu 1994-00-00 ESSAY -
181 Cāntec pentru Lya George R. R. Martin 1994-00-00 SHORTFICTION novella
212 Scamatorie Silviu Genescu 1994-00-00 SHORTFICTION -
216 Celălalt
Florin Pītea?Florin Pitea
Florin Patea
1994-00-00 SHORTFICTION -
223 Națiunea da Vinci Sebastian A. Corn 1994-00-00 SHORTFICTION -
244 Mărăcinele Robert Holdstock+Garry Kilworth 1994-00-00 SHORTFICTION novelette

Source used:

Data from another source (details should be provided in the submitted Note)

New record: Almanah Anticipația 1995

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Submitted by Terraflorin on 2020-01-18 05:36:42

Approved by Linguist on 2020-01-18 05:44:01

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