- Author: Bud Sparhawk Author Record # 11569
- Legal Name: Sparhawk, John C.
- Birthplace: Baltimore, Maryland, USA
- Birthdate: 11 August 1937
- Language: English
- Webpages: budsparhawk.com, SFE, Wikipedia-EN
- Used These Alternate Names: John C. Sparhawk, Jr.
- Author Tags: science fiction (6), Jupiter (2), space war (1), men (1), brewing (1), beer (1), humorous (1), mustache-twirling villain (1), double-cross (1), political intrigue (1), first contact (1), aliens (1), space navy (1), technology (1), post-apocalyptic (1), acrophobia (1), hard sf (1), sailing (1), racing (1), rescue (1) and 1 additional tags. View all tags for Bud Sparhawk
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Fiction Series
- Distant Seas
Jupiter: Pumpkin (2001) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Pumpkin (2008)
- The Super (2008) [SF]
- Winds of Mars (2009) [SF]
- Distant Seas (2015) [C]
- Primrose / Distant Seas
Primrose and Thorn (1996) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Jupiter: Primrose and Thorn (2001)
- Primrose Rescue (1997) [SF]
Primrose and Thorn (1996) [SF]
also appeared as:
Jupiter: Pumpkin (2001) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Sam Boone
Sam Boone and the Thermal Couple (1995) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Thermal Couple (2003)
Sam Boone's Appeal to Common Scents (1996) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Appeal to Common Scents (2003)
Sam Boone's Rational Choices (1997) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Rational Choices (2003)
Sam Boone's Dry Run (1997) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Dry Run (2003)
Sam Boone and the Teacup Conundrum (1998) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Teacup Conundrum (2003)
- Sam Boone's Super Fantastic Intragalactic Ass-Kickin', Body-Slammin', Foot-Stompin' Rasslin' Extravaganza (2002) [SF] also appeared as:
- Sam Boone: Front to Back (2003) [C]
- The Late Sam Boone (2008) [SF]
Sam Boone and the Thermal Couple (1995) [SF]
also appeared as:
- The Shardies War
- Shattered Dreams (2019)
- Vixen (2008)
- Dreams of Earth (2018)
- Dancing with Dragons (2001)
- Non-Parallel Universes (2017)
- Magic's Price (2002)
- Glass Ships
- Clay's Pride (2004)
- Chandra's Pup (2005)
- Haley and Taylor
Olympus Mons! (1998)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Mars: Olympus Mons (1998)
The Debt (2000)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Io: The Debt (2000)
Olympus Mons! (1998)
also appeared as:
- Jake and Mary
- Jake's Gift (1993)
- Mary's Present (1994)
- Probability Zero
- The Bill (1996)
- The Emperor's Dark Matters (2000)
- Evolution (2000)
- The Tomkins Battery Case (1976)
- Alba Krystal (1977)
- Dad (1993)
- R-TRNRD (1993)
- Iridium Dreams (1994)
- Persistence (1994)
- Hurricane! (1994)
- Childish Things (1994)
- Resurrection (1996)
- Fierce Embrace (1997)
- Mercenary (1998)
Europa: The Ice Dragon's Song (1998)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Ice Dragon's Song (1998)
- High Flight (1998)
- Beryl's Run (1999)
- Magic's Price (2001)
Bright Red Star (2005)
also appeared as:
Translation: Stele īnsāngerate?Stele insangerate[Romanian] (2007)
- Translation: Stella rosso vivo [Italian] (2009)
- Frost (2007)
- The Connection (2007) with Ramona Louise Wheeler [only as by Bud Sparhawk and Ramona Wheeler]
- Alliances (2007)
- Broadside (2007)
- The Suit (2007)
- No Cord or Cable (2009)
- The Glass Box (2009)
- The Tortuous Path (2010)
- Encounter in a Yellow Wood (2010)
- Ten Winks to Forever (2010)
- Astronomic Distance, Geologic Time (2011)
- CyberMarine (2011)
- The Old Man's Best (2011)
- Scout (2012)
- Hard Choices (2013)
- Pilgrim (2013)
- The Snack (2013)
- Crep d'Etoile (2013)
- True Friends (2013)
- Deceleration (2013)
- Tommy and the Beast (2013)
- Forgiveness (2014)
- Conquest (2014)
- Slider (2015)
- Delivery (2015)
- Culmination (2015)
- Footprints in the Snow (2015)
- High Jack (2016)
- Causes and Effects (2016)
- Haunted (2016) with Cat Rambo
- Turtle and Bird (2016)
- The Return (2017)
- Yesterday's Solutions (2017)
- Heaven's Covenant (2017)
- Downsized (2017)
- Comrades in Arms (2018)
- The Fading Pages of a Short Story (2019)
- The Invitation (2019)
- Mulligan (2019)
- Dog Tales (2019)
- Simple Pleasures (2022)
- Letter (Analog, August 1994) (1994)
- Letter (Analog, June 1996) (1996)
- Letter (Analog, November 1996) (Answer to G. David Nordley) (1996)
- Letter (reply to Paula Steiner) (Analog, February 1998) (1998)
- Letter (Analog, June 1998) (1998) [only as by John C. Sparhawk, Jr.]
- Cold Trophies (2003)
- Afterword (Sam Boone: Front to Back) (2003)
- Foreword (Sam Boone: Front to Back) (2003)
- Preface (Sam Boone: Front to Back) (2003)
- On "Clay's Pride" (2006)
- Another Word: Writer's Tools (2014)