Note: There are other authors with the same name: John Collier (artist), John Collier (mapmaker)
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His Monkey Wife, or Married to a Chimp (1930)
also appeared as:
- Variant: His Monkey Wife, or, Married to a Chimp (2000)
Tom's A-Cold (1933)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Full Circle (1933)
- Defy the Foul Fiend, or The Misadventures of a Heart (1934)
- The Devil and All (1934)
- Presenting Moonshine (1941)
- The Touch of Nutmeg and More Unlikely Stories (1943)
- Green Thoughts and Other Strange Tales (1945)
Fancies and Goodnights (1951)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Fancies and Goodnights (selections) (1965)
- Variant: Of Demons and Darkness (1965)
- Pictures in the Fire (1958)
- De Stalen Kat [Dutch] (1965)
- De Dame op de Schimmel [Dutch] (1969)
- The John Collier Reader (1972)
- The Best of John Collier (1975)
- Fancies and Goodnights Vol 1 (2012)
- Green Thoughts & Other Stories (2016)
- No Traveller Returns (1931)
- Green Thoughts (1932)
- Variation on a Theme (1935)
- Witch's Money (1940)
- No Traveller Returns (1931)
Green Thoughts (1931)
also appeared as:
Translation: Vertes pensées ...?Vertes pensees ...[French] (1955)
- Translation: Groene Schaduw [Dutch] (1965)
- Translation: Pensieri verdi [Italian] (1990)
- Translation: Pensées botaniques [French] (2016)
After the Ball (1933)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Un match difficile [French] (1963)
- Chapters 8 and 9 from Defy the Foul Fiend or the Misadventures of a Heart (1934)
Halfway to Hell (1934)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Half-Way to Hell (1941)
- Translation: Halverwege de Hel [Dutch] (1969)
Hell Hath No Fury (1934)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Geen Duivelin Zo Erg als een Versmade Vrouw [Dutch] (1965)
- Translation: Hölle, wo ist dein Sieg? [German] (1997)
The Devil, George, and Rosie (1934)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Devil George and Rosie (1934)
- Translation: De Duivel, George en Rosie [Dutch] (1969)
The Possession of Angela Bradshaw (1934)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Possession of Angela Bradshaw (1934)
- Translation: Hoe Angela Bradshaw door een Duivel Bezeten Werd [Dutch] (1965)
The Right Side (1934)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De Goede Kant [Dutch] (1965)
- Translation: Die richtige Seite [German] (1999)
Variation on a Theme (1935)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Variatie op een Thema [Dutch] (1965)
- The Monster of the Deep (1935)
Midnight Blue (1938)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nachtblauw [Dutch] (1965)
Bottle Party (1939)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Geflest [Dutch] (1969)
Mary (1939)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Mary [Dutch] (1965)
Rope Enough (1939)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Touw [Dutch] (1965)
- Translation: Der indische Seiltrick [German] (1977)
Evening Primrose (1940)
also appeared as:
- Translation: El extraño almacén [Spanish] (1967)
- Translation: Primevère du soir [French] (1967)
- Translation: Nachtbloem [Dutch] (1969)
Thus I Refute Beelzy (1940)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het Is Maar Kinderspel [Dutch] (1949)
- Translation: Beelzy bestaat niet [Dutch] (1957)
- Translation: Aldus Weerleg Ik Beelzy [Dutch] (1965)
A Word to the Wise (1940)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Un chat sachant chapitrer [French] (1959)
The Chaser (1940)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Love Potion (1941)
- Translation: Het Liefdeselixer [Dutch] (1949)
- Translation: Het Drankje [Dutch] (1965)
- Translation: Ein Schluck zum Nachspülen [German] (1987)
Bird of Prey (1941)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Oiseaux de proie [French] (1965)
- Translation: Roofvogel [Dutch] (1965)
Special Delivery (1941)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Spoedbestelling [Dutch] (1965)
The Frog Prince (1941)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De Kikvorsprins [Dutch] (1969)
The Invisible Dove Dancer of Strathpheen Island (1941)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Invisible Dove-Dancer of Strathpheen Island (1941)
- Translation: De Onzichtbare Duivedanseres van Strathpheen Eiland [Dutch] (1965)
Old Acquaintance (1941)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Oude Bekende [Dutch] (1969)
The Steel Cat (1941)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De Stalen Kat [Dutch] (1965)
Incident on a Lake (1941)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les merveilles de la nature [French] (1964)
- Translation: Incident aan een Meer [Dutch] (1969)
Great Possibilities (1941)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Grote Mogelijkheden [Dutch] (1969)
Meeting of Relations (1941)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ontmoeting met een verwant [Dutch] (1965)
Gavin O'Leary (1945)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Gavin O Leary (1945)
- Translation: Gavin O'Leary [Dutch] (1965)
Fallen Star (1951)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Gevallen Ster [Dutch] (1969)
In the Cards (1951)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Kaarten liegen niet [Dutch] (1956)
- Translation: 't Ligt in de Kaarten [Dutch] (1965)
Pictures in the Fire (1951)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Plaatjes in het Vuur [Dutch] (1969)
Spring Fever (1951)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Lentekoorts [Dutch] (1965)
Translation: Чудеса природы?Chudesa prirody[Russian] (1992) [as byДжон Кольер?Dzhon Kol'yer]
John Collier
Youth from Vienna (1951)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Jeugd uit Wenen [Dutch] (1965)
Are You Too Late or Was I Too Early? (1951)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Are You Too Late? (1951)
- Translation: Ben Jij te Laat of Was Ik te Vroeg? [Dutch] (1969)
- Variant: Are You Too Late or Was I Too Early (1981)
Interpretation of a Dream (1951)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Een Droomuitleg [Dutch] (1965)
The Lady on the Gray (1951)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Lady on the Grey (1951)
- Translation: La dame sur le cheval gris [French] (1965)
- Translation: De Dame op de Schimmel [Dutch] (1969)
The Tender Age (1956)
also appeared as:
Translation: L'âge tendre?L'age tendre[French] (1962)
- Anniversary Gift (1958)
- Mademoiselle Kiki (1958)
- Not Far Away, Not Long Ago (1960)
Man Overboard (1960)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le serpent de mer [French] (1974)
- Translation: Mann über Bord [German] (1985)
- Softly Walks the Beetle (1960)
- Born for Murder (1960)
- A Dog's a Dog (1972)
- Son of Kiki (1972)
- Asking for It (1975)
Non-Genre Titles
Short Fiction
Sleeping Beauty (1938)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De Schone Slaapster [Dutch] (1965)
Wet Saturday (1938)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Hondeweer [Dutch] (1959)
- Translation: Regenachtige Zaterdag [Dutch] (1969)
Little Memento (1938)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Een Klein Aandenken [Dutch] (1965)
- Translation: Klein aandenken [Dutch] (1980)
Ah, the University! (1939)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Ah the University (1943)
- Translation: Ah! De Universiteit! [Dutch] (1969)
Without Benefit of Galsworthy (1939)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Zonder Galsworthy [Dutch] (1969)
Witch's Money (1939)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Witchs Money (1939)
- Translation: Behekst geld [Dutch] (1959)
- Translation: L'argent du sorcier [French] (1967)
- Translation: Heksengeld [Dutch] (1969)
Back for Christmas (1939)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Met de kerst weer thuis [Dutch] (1956)
- Translation: De vuelta para Navidad [Spanish] (1958)
- Translation: Met Kerstmis Weer Thuis [Dutch] (1969)
Season of Mists (1940)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Mistig Jaargetijde [Dutch] (1969)
Another American Tragedy (1940)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Een Nieuwe Amerikaanse Tragedie [Dutch] (1969)
Collaboration (1941)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Collaboratie [Dutch] (1969)
If Youth Knew, If Age Could (1941)
also appeared as:
- Variant: If Youth Knew If Age Could (1941)
- Translation: Zoals de Jongen Piepen, Zingen de Ouden [Dutch] (1965)
Night! Youth! Paris! and the Moon! (1941)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Night Youth Paris and the Moon (1941)
- Translation: Nacht, Jeugd, Parijs en de Maan [Dutch] (1965)
Squirrels Have Bright Eyes (1941)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Eekhoorns Hebben Pientere Ogen [Dutch] (1969)
The Touch of Nutmeg Makes It (1941)
also appeared as:
Translation: Muskatnuß gibt die Würze?Muskatnuss gibt die Wuerze[German] (1967)
- Translation: Snuifje Nootmuskaat [Dutch] (1969)
De Mortuis (1942)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Van de doden niets dan goeds [Dutch] (1956)
- Translation: Arbeit im Keller [German] (1966)
- Translation: De Mortuis [Dutch] (1969)
Cancel All I Said (1951)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Aanbod Ingetrokken [Dutch] (1965)
Over Insurance (1951)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Oververzekerd [Dutch] (1969)
Romance Lingers, Adventure Lives (1951)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Romance Lingers Adventure Lives (1951)
- Translation: De Romantiek Is Niet Dood, het Avontuur Leeft [Dutch] (1965)
Three Bears Cottage (1951)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De Drie Beertjes [Dutch] (1969)
- A Matter of Taste (1956)
- And Who, with Eden ... (1958)
- Think No Evil (1958)