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Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
荒潮?Huāng cháo(2013) only appeared as:
- Translation: Waste Tide [English] (2019)
- Translation: Marea tóxica [Spanish] (2019)
- Translation: Die Siliziuminsel [German] (2019) [as by Qiufan Chen]
Translation: Мусорный прибой?Musornyj priboj[Russian] (2020) [as byЧэнь Цюфань?Chen' Tsyufan']
Translation: 荒潮?あらしお[Japanese] (2020) [as by
Chen Qiufan - Translation: Marea tossica [Italian] (2020)
- L'eterno addio [Italian] (2016)
- Råttans år [Swedish] (2020) [only as by Qiufan Chen]
AI 2041:預見10個未來新世界 (2021)
Kai-Fu Lee
only appeared as:
- Translation: AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future [English] (2021)
- Translation: KI 2041: Zehn Zukunftsvisionen [German] (2022) [as by Qiufan Chen and Kai-Fu Lee]
Translation: 2041: Como a inteligência artificial vai mudar sua vida nas próximas décadas?2041: Como a inteligencia artificial vai mudar sua vida nas proximas decadas[Portuguese] (2022)
- Contaminación [Spanish] (2019)
坟?Fén(2004) only appeared as:
- Translation: La tomba [Italian] (2011) [as by Qiufan Chen]
- Translation: The Tomb [English] (2012)
丽江的鱼儿们?Lìjiāng de yú ermen(2006) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Fish of Lijiang [English] (2011)
- Translation: Lijiangin kalat [Finnish] (2015) [as by Qiufan Chen]
- Translation: I pesci di Lijiang [Italian] (2016)
- Translation: El pez de Lijiang [Spanish] (2017)
- Translation: Die Fische von Lijiang [German] (2018)
Translation: 麗江の魚?よしえのさかな[Japanese] (2018) [as by
Yoshie no Sakana陳楸帆?チェン・チウファン]
Chen Qiufan - Translation: Fiskarna i Lijiang [Swedish] (2020) [as by Qiufan Chen]
鼠年?Shǔ nián(2009) only appeared as:
Shu nian- Translation: The Year of the Rat [English] (2013)
Translation: 鼠年?Nezumi Toshi[Japanese] (2014) [as byスタンリー・チェン(チェン・チュウファン)?Sutanri Chien (Chien Chuufuan)]
- Translation: L'Anno del Ratto [Italian] (2015)
Translation: Rok krysy [Czech] (2015)
[as by Čchen Čchiou-fan?Chen Chiou-fan]
- Translation: El año de la Rata [Spanish] (2017)
Translation: 鼠年?しょねん[Japanese] (2018) [as by
Chen Qiufan - Translation: Råttans år [Swedish] (2020) [as by Qiufan Chen]
丧尸Inc?Sangshi Inc(2009) only appeared as:
- Translation: Zombie Inc [Swedish] (2020) [as by Qiufan Chen]
霾?Mái(2010) only appeared as:
- Translation: Smog [French] (2015)
- Translation: The Smog Society [English] (2015)
- Translation: Towarzystwo smogowe [Polish] (2015)
- Translation: La società dello smog [Italian] (2018)
- Translation: La sociedad del Esmog [Spanish] (2018)
- Translation: Contaminación [Spanish] (2019)
- Translation: Smog [Swedish] (2020) [as by Qiufan Chen]
G代表女神?G dài biǎo nǚ shén(2011) only appeared as:
- Translation: G Is for Goddess [English] (2016)
Translation: 인류의 여신 미스G?inryuui yeosin miseu G[Korean] (2017) [as by천츄판?Cheon Chyupan]
- Translation: Miss G [Italian] (2018)
开光?Kāiguāng(2012) only appeared as:
- Translation: Coming of the Light [English] (2015)
- Translation: Buddhagram [Italian] (2016)
Translation: 開光?Kaikō[Japanese] (2020) [as by
Chen Qiufan - Translation: Das Licht [German] (2020) [as by Qiufan Chen]
Translation: Свет, сходящий с небес?Svet, skhodyashchiy s nebes[Russian] (2020) [as byЧэнь Цюфань?Chen' Tsyufan']
- Translation: La llegada de la luz [Spanish] (2020)
动物观察者?dongwu guancha zhe(2012) only appeared as:
dòng wù guān chá zhě- Translation: Gli osservatori di animali [Italian] (2018)
沙嘴之花?Shāzuǐ zhī huā(2012) also appeared as:
- Translation: The Flower of Shazui [English] (2012)
- Translation: La flor de Shazui [Spanish] (2017)
Translation: 沙嘴の花?すなはしのはな[Japanese] (2018) [as by
Sunahashi no Hana陳楸帆?チェン・チウファン]
Chen Qiufan - Translation: Il fiore di Shazui [Italian] (2018)
未来病史?Wei lai bing shi(2012) only appeared as:
- Translation: A History of Future Illnesses [English] (2018)
- Translation: Storia futura della malattia [Italian] (2018)
Translation: 未来病史?みらいびょう し[Japanese] (2020) [as by
Miraibyou Shi陳楸帆?チェン・チウファン]
Chen Qiufan -
Translation: Eine kurze Geschichte zukünftiger Krankheiten?Eine kurze Geschichte zukuenftiger Krankheiten[German] (2020) [as by Qiufan Chen]
Translation: История болезней будущего?Istoriya bolezney budushchego[Russian] (2020) [as byЧэнь Цюфань?Chen' Tsyufan']
- Translation: Historia de las enfermedades futuras [Spanish] (2020)
猫的鬼魂?Māo de guǐhún(2012) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Mao Ghost [English] (2014)
荒潮(节选)?huāng cháo (jiē xuǎn)(2013) only appeared as:
- Translation: Let There Be Light [English] (2016)
无尽的告别?Wújìn de gàobié(2013) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Endless Farewell [English] (2013)
- Translation: L'eterno addio [Italian] (2016)
Translation: 果てしない別れ?Hateshinai Wakare[Japanese] (2018) [as by陳楸帆?チェン・チウファン]
Chen Qiufan -
Translation: 果てしない別れ?はてしない わかれ[Japanese] (2020) [as by
Hateshinai Wakare陳楸帆?チェン・チウファン]
Chen Qiufan
天使之油?Tiānshǐ zhī yóu(2013) only appeared as:
- Translation: Oil of Angels [English] (2014)
过时的人?guò shí de rén(2014) only appeared as:
- Translation: A Man Out of Fashion [English] (2017)
巴鳞?Balín(2015) only appeared as:
- Translation: Balin [English] (2016)
Translation: 巴鱗?ばりん[Japanese] (2017) [as by陳楸帆?チェン・チウファン]
Chen Qiufan - Translation: Balin [Swedish] (2020) [as by Qiufan Chen]
出神状态?chū shén zhuàng tài(2018) only appeared as:
chushen zhuangtai- Translation: State of Trance [English] (2020)
云爱人?Yun airen(2019) only appeared as:
- Translation: Cloud-Liebe [German] (2020) [as by Qiufan Chen]
Variant: 云爱人?Yun airen(2021) [as by陈楸帆?Chen Qiufan]
- Translation: Amore in cloud [Italian] (2021)
这一刻我们是快乐的?zhè yī kè wǒ men shì kuài lè de(2019) only appeared as:
zhe yi ke women shi kuaile de- Translation: In This Moment, We Are Happy [English] (2019)
匣中祠堂?Xiá Zhōng Cí Táng(2019) only appeared as:
Xiazhong Citang- Translation: The Ancestral Temple in a Box [English] (2020)
刻舟記(V2.0)?kè zhōu jì (V2.0)(2019) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Reunion [English] (2019)
无债之人?Wú zhài zhī rén(2019) only appeared as:
Wuzhai zhi ren- Translation: Debtless [English] (2020)
太空大葱?tài kōng dà cōng(2019) only appeared as:
taikong dacong- Translation: Space Leek [English] (2019)
伪造者Z?wěi zào zhě Z(2019) only appeared as:
weizaozhe Z- Translation: Forger Mr. Z [English] (2020)
情感谬误?Qinggan miuwu(2020) only appeared as:
- Translation: Fallacia affettiva [Italian] (2020)
- Translation: Falácia afetiva [Portuguese] (2023)
V代表胜利?V dài biǎo shèng lì(2020) only appeared as:
V daibiao shengli -
Contactless Love [English] (2021)
Kai-Fu Lee
also appeared as:
Translation: Berührungslose Liebe?Beruehrungslose Liebe[German] (2022)
- Translation: Amor sem contato [Portuguese] (2022)
Dreaming of Plenitude [English] (2021)
Kai-Fu Lee
also appeared as:
Translation: Der Traum vom Überfluss?Der Traum vom Ueberfluss[German] (2022)
- Translation: Sonhando com a plenitude [Portuguese] (2022)
Gods Behind the Masks [English] (2021)
Kai-Fu Lee
also appeared as:
Translation: Götter hinter den Masken?Goetter hinter den Masken[German] (2022)
Translation: Os deuses por trás das máscaras?Os deuses por tras das mascaras[Portuguese] (2022)
Isle of Happiness [English] (2021)
Kai-Fu Lee
also appeared as:
Translation: Die Insel der Glückseligkeit?Die Insel der Glueckseligkeit[German] (2022)
- Translation: A ilha da felicidade [Portuguese] (2022)
My Haunting Idol [English] (2021)
Kai-Fu Lee
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das gespenstische Idol [German] (2022)
- Translation: Meu ídolo assombrado [Portuguese] (2022)
Quantum Genocide [English] (2021)
Kai-Fu Lee
also appeared as:
- Translation: Quantengenozid [German] (2022)
- Translation: Genocídio quântico [Portuguese] (2022)
The Golden Elephant [English] (2021)
Kai-Fu Lee
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der goldene Elefant [German] (2022)
- Translation: O elefante dourado [Portuguese] (2022)
The Holy Driver [English] (2021)
Kai-Fu Lee
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der heilige Fahrer [German] (2022)
Translation: O motorista abençoado?O motorista abencoado[Portuguese] (2022)
The Job Savior [English] (2021)
Kai-Fu Lee
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Jobretter [German] (2022)
- Translation: O salvador de empregos [Portuguese] (2022)
Twin Sparrows [English] (2021)
Kai-Fu Lee
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ungleiche Zwillinge [German] (2022)
- Translation: Dois pardais [Portuguese] (2022)
菌歌?Jūn gē(2022) also appeared as:
Jun ge- Translation: Do You Hear the Fungi Sing? [English] (2022)
遗忘是一道记忆的折痕?Yiwang shi yidao jiyi de zheheng(unpublished) only appeared as:
yí wàng shì yī dào jì yì de shé hén- Translation: Oblivion Is a Crease Left by Memory [English] (2017)
The Torn Generation: Chinese Science Fiction in a Culture in Transition [English] (2014)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La generación dividida: la ciencia-ficción china en una cultura de transición [Spanish] (2017)
Translation: 引き裂かれた世代:移行期の文化における中国SF?ひきさかれたせだい:いこうきのぶんかにおけるちゅうごくSF[Japanese] (2018) [as by
Hikiskareta Sedai: Ikōki no Bunka ni Okeru Chūgoku SF
Hikiskareta Sedai: Ikouki no Bunka ni Okeru Chuugoku SF陳楸帆?チェン・チウファン]
Chen Qiufan
- Uno sguardo alla Cina attraverso gli occhi della fantascienza [Italian] (2018)
序言 (中意双语言中国科幻小说选集) (2019)
only appeared as:
Variant: 序言 (中意双语言中国科幻小说选集) (2019)
[as by 陈楸帆?Chen Qiufan]
- Translation: Un suolo calcato da 1,4 miliardi di cyborg [Italian] (2019)
Variant: 序言 (中意双语言中国科幻小说选集) (2019)
[as by
Die Müllflut: Können wir die weltweite Überschwemmung mit Elektronikschrott überhaupt noch stoppen??Die Muellflut: Koennen wir die weltweite Ueberschwemmung mit Elektronikschrott ueberhaupt noch stoppen?[German] (2019) [only as by Qiufan Chen]
Acknowledgments (AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future) [English] (2021)
Kai-Fu Lee
only appeared as:
- Translation: Danksagung (KI 2041: Zehn Zukunftsvisionen) [German] (2022)
How We Can Learn to Stop Worrying and Embrace the Future with Imagination [English] (2021)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ein optimistischer Blick in die Zukunft [German] (2022)
- Translation: Como podemos aprender a parar de nos preocupar e abraçar o futuro com imaginação [Portuguese] (2022)
- Author Spotlight: Chen Qiufan [English] (2014) by Robyn Lupo
- Staying Sensitive in the Crowd: A Conversation with Chen Qiufan [English] (2015) by Ken Liu
- Author Spotlight: Chen Qiufan [English] (2015) by Jude Griffin
- With Every Future We Wish to Create, We Must First Learn to Imagine It": An Interview with Chen Qiufan [English] (2022) by Gautam Bhatia