- Author: Athena Andreadis Author Record # 21298
- Legal Name: Ανδρεάδη, Αθηνά?Andreadis, Athena
- Birthplace: London, England, UK
- Birthdate: 6 October 1955
- Language: English
- Email: helivoy@gmail.com
- Webpages: en.memory-alpha.org, starshipreckless.com, umassmed.edu
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Fiction Series
- Wisps of Spider Silk
- Dry Rivers (2009) [SF]
- Planetfall (2009) [SF]
- The Wind Harp (short version) (2013) [SF]
- The Stone Lyre (2017) [SF]
- The Wind Harp (2017) [SF]
- Wisps of Spider Silk: First Thread (2017) [C]
- Feral Astrogators
- The Other Half of the Sky (2013) with Kay T. Holt [only as by Athena Andreadis and Kay Holt]
- To Shape the Dark (2016)
- Retellings of the Inland Seas (2020)
- Contra Mundum (1993)
- Persephone (1993)
- Night Travels (1994)
- Though I Grow Old with Wandering... (1994)
- Cocoon (1995)
- Astrogators Never Sleep (2016)
- Unearthing Uncle Bud (2020)
- Mid-Journey (2010)
- Spacetime Geodesics (2011)
- Mirror Twin (2011)
- Night Patrol (2012)
- Science Fiction Needs the Dreams That Science Is Made Of (2002)
- We Must Love One Another or Die: A Critique of Star Wars (2005)
- A (Mail)coat of Many Colors: The Songs of the Byzantine Border Guards (2010)
- The Blackbird Singing at the Break of Hellenic Dawn: Sapfó of Lésvos (2010)
- As Weak as Women's Magic (2011)
- Dreaming the Dark (2013)
- Prologue: A Glimmering Tapestry (2019)
- Ancestral Campfire, Distant Beacons (2020)
- Interview with Athena Andreadis (2009) by Kay T. Holt
- Stone Telling Roundtable: Diversity (2010) by Julia Rios (co-interviewed with Shweta Narayan and Emily Jiang and Amal El-Mohtar and Peer Dudda and Deborah Brannon and Lisa M. Bradley)
- Stone Telling Roundtable: Preservation, Survival, Support (2010) by Julia Rios (co-interviewed with Lisa M. Bradley and Mary Alexandra Agner and Yoon Ha Lee and Erika Peterson and Eliza Victoria)
- New Author Spotlight: Athena Andreadis (2013) by uncredited